On 04/14/2015 09:43 AM, Pete Travis
On 04/13/2015 05:21 PM, Ryan Lerch
On 04/14/2015 09:13 AM, Pete Travis
On Apr 13, 2015 9:59 AM, "Matthew Miller" <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 12:06:47PM -0600, Pete Travis
> > >After a few years, i am keen to start helping
make Fedora docs!
> > >any thoughts on where to jump in again?
> > >--ryanlerch
> > Hey Ryan, welcome! I heard you moved; some nice,
> Pete, is there anything Ryan can do to help with design
issues around
> your <https://github.com/immanetize/anerist>
> --
> Matthew Miller
> <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Fedora Project Leader
> --
I gave him a brief overview of the intent behind
anerist yesterday on IRC, actually, and we discussed some of
the problems I'd like it to solve. Hopefully you are
intrigued, Ryan, the concept would really benefit from some
design love :)
Yeah, we chatted about this yesterday, but i didnt see the repo
Is there any docs / discussion / ideas on about how this will
look at on the front end to the user?
Not just the UI itself, but what docs we want to publish here
(full books, articles, how-tos etc)? Having an idea of the best
docs for our users would definitely impact the design of how we
show them to the user.
We definitely want to publish the full books we already have. We
also want to have targeted tutorials and smaller feature-based
articles. I'm expecting that these latter two will be popular
contributions and feel we should plan for a large volume of them.
I was envisioning that these larger works would be featured higher
up in the category structure (and I'm reviving that thread after
sending this message) to keep them from getting mixed in with more
atomic content. A site organized by topic seems most easily
browsed, ie "Networking->Routing" vs "Tutorials-> Routing"
and "Articles-> Routers". Don't let that unduly influence your
design vision, it's only an initial idea.
-- Pete Travis
- Fedora Docs Project Leader
- 'randomuser' on freenode
- immanetize@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have been thinking about this a bit overnight, and thought a good
place to start with starting to think about a front-end design would
be to review what docs we currently have, and then extend that to
encompass some of the docs (articles / tutorials etc) that we might
need to fill in the gaps.
Started a wikipage here with a small list of what (appears to me
from looking at docs.fp.o) as the current docs:
this is an open doc, so feel free to edit away
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