Hello Petr,
I wanna one confirmation, see inline.
(2014年08月21日 00:32), Petr Kovar wrote:
On Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:18:12 +1000
Noriko Mizumoto <noriko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
(2014年08月19日 22:22), Petr Kovar wrote:
Hi Noriko and guide owners,
It seems the list of guide owners in the spreadsheet was taken directly from
the data stored in Tx. The data there does not necessarily reflect
who is the actual guide owner/maintainer. You can find a more up-to-date
list at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_guides_table
OH, indeed, you are right.
I've updated the list to reflect. Now a couple of guides taken from Tx
data are not listed in the table provided. Could you mind to check if
Thanks for pointing that out. In theory, the table should list all of our
guides so I guess we will have to update the table quite a bit as that's
essentially the only resource we have to track our docs projects. Anyway...
they are still active? If so, advise correct owner?
* anaconda-addon-development-guide
Not sure about this one. Anyone?
* Community Services Infrastructure Security Policy
* Defensive Coding Guide
* Fedora Cookbook
* Fedora Jargon Buster
* Fedora Managing Confined Services
I found these two on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_old_guides
so I don't think we want to migrate them. Please correct me if I'm wrong
and they are not dead.
Erased with strike through.
* Fedora Respin Guide
Not sure. Does anyone know more about this one?
* Fedora RPM Guide
This guide is pretty much dead. Not sure if we want to preserve the
existing translations and add them to translation memory, for example.
Erased with strike through.
* Fedora Selinux FAQ
* Fedora Selinux Guide
These are listed on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_old_guides
Does this mean dead, yes?
* FreeIPA Management Guide
This one is listed as FreeIPAGuide in the table and seems to be maintained.
* rdo docs
No idea. Anyone?
Note that the table also includes links to individual Tx projects, I think
pretty much all of them are good candidates for migration to Zanata. Again,
some of them may not be included in the Fedora Project hub in Tx. Others
are already hosted in Zanata on translate.zanata.org, e.g. the
Installation Guide.
Ok, thanks. It seems that the move will be smoother.
Please notice that guides on translate.zanata still require to move to
fedora.zanata instance. But documentation and support will be provided
by zanata team, and I believe that the move would be smooth and easy.
Sounds good. The projects hosted in Zanata that I could find are:
Guide owners, could you please check the information in the table and make
any necessary changes for your guides?
Just thinking loud here... I guess our guide table - FAS writer accounts
will require some manual mapping if we want to have all the owners
assigned to their guides during the migration. Or we could first assign all
the guides to a number of delegated owners, and then reassign to individual
guide owners once the migration is complete. Your thoughts?
Thank you so much for your offer!
Yes, it would be great if you can have a few delegated owners.
Great. I can certainly help out with that. Any other volunteers?
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