----- Original Message -----
From: "Tomek Chrzczonowicz" <chrzczonowicz@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "For participants of the Documentation Project"
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: Installation Guide .pot strings out of order
The docs, for the most part, seem have a clear structure, like:
The installation process - part
6. Beginning the Installation - chapter
6.1. The Boot Menu - section
So...why not come up with a file-naming scheme based on that?
In fact, the files have normal English-sounding names and the initial .pot
files share those names. Generally, the names are something close to the
section names. Over time, though, authors may tweak section names, and
generally people want somewhat shorter file names, so the title and the file
name probably don't match 100%, but in general, they are close.
Adding section numbers does get to be a problem, though. As the document
develops, sections get added and rearranged and having file names
incorporate section names gets to be something of a maintenance problem,
especially since each file's base name tends to show up in dozens of places.
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