Re: Docs Meeting 2009-08-26 IRC Log

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00:12:49  quaid: yep, zikula theme is all rolling for FI
00:13:07  mizmo is in progress on the theme:
00:13:17  and Zikula is getting rolled out to staging
00:13:35  and things are prepared in the repo (ideally) so she can
have related Docs theme in there to make a Docs-specific RPM of the
theme (AIUI)

For the record: we just (literally; the infrastructure ticket just hit my inbox) got an svn* repo for Ziklua themes.

(It's empty right now, but will contain one core/default Fedora theme - the one Simon put together - and subfolders that are variants on that Fedora theme for things like docs, FI, and whatever else we need.)

The commit groups is svnfedora-zikula-theme and right now I am the only group admin (though this will change to include Mo and Simon shortly) so now you know who to ping if you need access. :)


*why svn? a few reasons: (1) easier to deal with subfolders, (2) Mo likes it, (3) lower barrier to entry for designers, who can get tortoisesvn and drag and drop and click buttons instead of having to learn arcane git syntax and the command line just to contribute to an icon. (The eventual goal is to get Design folks to use version control for evvvverything as well.)

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