Docs Meeting 2009-08-26 IRC Log

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00:02:47  #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda:
00:02:47  Meeting started Thu Aug 27 00:02:47 2009 UTC.  The chair is
Sparks. Information about MeetBot at
00:02:47  Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:02:54  #topic Roll Call
00:02:55 * Sparks
00:03:38 * rudi is here
00:03:56 * itbegins here
00:05:18 * Sparks wonders where everyone is today
00:06:24 * laubersm is here
00:07:05  Okay, lets get started...
00:07:11  #topic Last week's action items
00:07:23  Sparks to create BZ component Deployment Guide --Third alarm
00:07:31  Finally done.
00:07:43  Sparks to write up CVE checking/validation procedures in the
wiki --third alarm
00:07:48  Still in progress
00:07:56  #action Sparks to write up CVE checking/validation
procedures in the wiki
00:08:08  quaid to follow up with Mizmo on the Zikula theme
00:08:13  quaid: You around?
00:08:42  I know Mo has been working on the Zikula theme.  I'm sure
this is in progress.
00:08:56  rudi to follow up with Jeff about changing the license
information in Publican 0.44 and 1.0
00:09:10  rudi: Got an update?
00:09:21  We're still a few steps away from that
00:09:26 * ianweller rolls in
00:09:45  I can report a little on the theme, depending on what you want to knwo
00:10:04  rudi: Okay, I'll put it down for next week so we can talk
about it again.
00:10:11  Yep
00:10:14  #action rudi to follow up with Jeff about changing the
license information in Publican 0.44 and 1.0
00:10:18  ianweller: Go
00:10:40  about my part of it? the writing up of the announcement?
00:11:32  Sparks: hi?
00:11:42  the theme
00:11:48  oh for zikula
00:12:05  hmm i'm not sure what i need to say, other than taht school
is eating me alive
00:12:14 * ianweller wasn't sure he had anything assigned for zikula right now
00:12:37  Sparks: You mean me?
00:12:39  ianweller: Opps..  sorry
00:12:46  itbegins: Yeah, I meant you.  sorry
00:12:49  quaid: yep, zikula theme is all rolling for FI
00:12:55 * Sparks is not doing a good job of multitasking tonight
00:13:05 * quaid either
00:13:07  mizmo is in progress on the theme:
00:13:17  and Zikula is getting rolled out to staging
00:13:35  and things are prepared in the repo (ideally) so she can
have related Docs theme in there to make a Docs-specific RPM of the
theme (AIUI)
00:13:44  or I'm confused and it's all going to run from one instance, one theme
00:14:06  quaid: One filesystem instance, mutliple databases -> multiple themes
00:14:21  I think I'm confused; that was my old idea, but Paul said
we'll likely all be on the same instance
00:14:36  i.e turning on Zikula is a case of
installing a few new packages and updating the config file
00:14:50  ok
00:15:34  Okay, we'll come back to Zikula in a little bit for a more
indepth discussion.
00:15:45  quaid to follow up with Richard about the use of the CC logo
on the wiki.
00:15:50  quaid: Got an update on this?
00:17:16  ;/me sneaks in late...
00:17:26  quaid: hello?
00:18:48  Okay, quaid must have rushed off...
00:18:59  Any more old business?
00:19:06  #action quaid to follow up with Richard about the use of the
CC logo on the wiki.
00:19:29  #topic Status on CMS (Zikula)
00:19:44  #link
00:19:58  itbegins: So what is the status on rolling out Zikula for docs.fp.o?
00:20:24  Sparks: well, we're still waiting on those modules held up
with license problems I think
00:20:43  Sparks: but marketing have kindly packaged a couple of
modules we can use for the docs instance too.
00:20:50  Sadly not the blockers for the docs instance
00:21:14  I think we both need at least one editor to go with Scribite.
00:21:28 * Sparks hasn't had any time to even look at packaging one of those.
00:21:37  yes,that's true
00:22:16  Sparks: sorry, phone call
00:22:23  do you want to hear about the CC logos?
00:22:53  quaid: That will be the next topic
00:23:02  itbegins: Okay so we are close but not there
00:23:17  itbegins: Does marketing have everything they need to roll
out their instance?
00:24:21  apart from a visual editor, probably
00:24:24  after a last minute scramble with chitlesh++, bobjensen++,
toshio++ getting a few last minute packages done last night/today
00:24:26  though things may still come up
00:24:34  oh! no visual editor? heh heh
00:25:24  So we need one of the editors packaged
00:25:32  anyone want to stand up to take that task?
00:26:52 * danielsmw can try if no body else will, but he's never
successfully packaged anything...
00:27:25  danielsmw: Well, this would be a good time to start being
successful...  there are templates for the SPEC and everything
00:27:25  Also I haven't been involved in this process at all so far
00:27:40  Sparks: Alright, well...
00:27:48  I suppose I can give it a shot and report back next week.
00:28:19  danielsmw: I'm sure ianweller or someone will be around to help
00:28:35  #action danielsmw to package an editor for Scribite
00:28:46  Okay, anything else on Zikula?
00:29:04 * quaid notes Beacon was accepted for F10/F11
00:29:13  but I guess it's not integrated?
00:29:18  danielsmw: Try pinging Toshio, he is involved with Zikula packaging
00:29:20 * danielsmw really likes beacon, btw.
00:29:22  quaid: And Beacon is the DocBook editor?
00:29:24  itbegins: Will do
00:29:27  Sparks: yep
00:29:45  Sparks: well, it's a web wysiwyg editor that now has
upstream code to read/write docbook :)
00:29:48  Yeah, we need to get that integrated
00:30:17  satya has it running on a publictest instance, we can look
at how to use it plain, too
00:30:22 * quaid is wandering topics now
00:31:02  Okay, let's move on.  Lots of work to be done on Zikula but
things are starting to come together
00:31:14  #topic Status on CC license rollout.
00:31:22  quaid: So what's the skinny on the CC logos?
00:31:53  ok
00:31:59  I read and read that page
00:32:16  and it's clear that the ball is in Richard's court with
folks from Creative Commons
00:32:36  And we haven't heard back from him on this, yet.
00:32:37  it only having been a few weeks ... and he being a proactive
and busy guy ... I think we have our clear answer for now
00:32:44  and will hear when there is something more
00:33:10  ianweller: Do you have the text for the wiki?
00:33:28  I would put this on the back-burner; don't forget about it,
but revisit if a month goes by, then prod for a status.
00:33:44  so ... a few more weeks at least, then see if we can kindly
get a status. :)
00:33:54  Well, we can go ahead with the change over, use the text
version of the license, and change later as necessary
00:33:58 * danielsmw has to go, sorry for the short visit.
00:33:59  yes
00:34:02  ciao danielsmw
00:34:06  au revoir.
00:34:07  danielsmw: Have a good day!
00:34:11  Sparks: Thanks!
00:34:41  #action ianweller to bring to the list the text for the CC
license for the wiki so it can be approved
00:35:03  #link
00:35:17  ^^^  That is the timeline if anyone would like to take a peek at it.
00:35:56  I guess we are still waiting on the text being approved and
then we can move on to step 4.
00:36:27  rudi: So what needs to happen to get the license changed in
Publican for step 6?
00:37:19  The people involved in doc publishing could do it at any
time by hacking their Publican 0 installs
00:38:12  rudi: Yeah, but I want to push it to everyone.  That way
there is 1) no confusion, 2) no differences, 3) and everyone does it.
00:38:44  I think it's unlikely that any more changes are forthcoming
to brand packages for 0
00:38:52  since 1 handles brands so differently.
00:39:28  (And we're not quite up to testing brands in 1)
00:40:02  Well, that's a problem.
00:40:17  If 1 isn't out then 0 still needs to be supported
00:40:19  um, hmm
00:40:26  Not really; there are very few people actually publishing
00:40:36  is there any technical reason not to change brand pkg for 0?
00:40:49  it's just text strings, right?
00:41:05  and I'm quite happy to wrap those notices up in the package
that I've got parked on my Fedora people page.
00:41:10  quaid -- correct.
00:41:18  No technical reason
00:41:22  Well if we get new people in we should be able to say
"install publican" not "install publican and then do all these changes
before you can use it"
00:41:29  rudi: is CS waiting to rebuild RHEL guides with the new
license until 1.x handles brands?
00:41:32 * ianweller notes his action item and makes a sticky note
00:41:39  ianweller: Thank you
00:41:56  rudi: Can you adopt the brand and just make the changes there?
00:42:04  rudi: Or one of us?
00:42:25  Sparks - I can check into that.
00:42:28  does publican need a co-maintainer for the package?
00:42:38 * Sparks thinks 1.x should be released as publican-devel
00:42:53  -devel has a specific meaning, though
00:43:10  or was that a joke!
00:43:23  rudi: I'm not saying anything bad about Jeff... I know he's
busy and he has this new tool he's putting a lot of effort into.  But
we still need the old tool to work for now.
00:43:25  because if it was, very funny! just don't tell it to jfearn
if you are on the same continent.
00:43:46  quaid: I thougth -devel was for the development version of a
package... a beta
00:43:51  nope
00:43:57  Sparks: -devel is development headers
00:44:00  yep
00:44:03  in C, those would be the .h files
00:44:06  Sparks -- yeah, but "work" for about three people :)
00:44:22  Sparks: and Publican was originally proposed as
'docs-devel', with much arguing about why that wasn't OK and such
00:44:58  rudi: sorry, where is the approv text for the license page?
or proposed-and-under-review?
00:45:00  Well...  I don't know.  I'd like it to be in the repos...  :)
00:45:28  rudi: it's not the people count, it's the F12 release
00:45:35  we have a dependency on a workingn tool for the F12 release
00:45:43  quaid -- proposed and review version is here :
00:45:54  we've had a rocky time for three releases with Publican feature status
00:46:06  The source is in the Publican repo already
00:46:20  and I thought with RHEL content upstream out here using
Publican, it would work for Fedora :)
00:48:06  Sparks: well, there is no moving backward for now, so if
Publican upstream isn't going to issue an update we can use, we'll
have to do manual process around it again.
00:48:47 * Sparks thinks hijacking the package is an option... :)
00:48:50  quaid: Yeah
00:48:52  (Fedora *is* the Publican upstream)
00:49:13  Okay, anything else on the license changeover?
00:49:25  what is the reason for not pushing the brand update?
00:51:30 * quaid wonders if he has bad breath?
00:51:49  rudi: ^^^
00:52:31  sorry, I haven't been reading publican-list; you can tell me
to read the archives, if that's it
00:52:39  Basically that energies are elsewhere at the moment
00:53:09  can we have a packager apply to be co-maintainer?
00:53:19  we can get some help to do the work, if that's the block.
00:53:43  I'll ask :)
is the old stuff
00:54:22  sparks, stickster, ke4qqq, or ianweller would all be good choices
00:54:53  Yes, because the new is here:
00:55:36  what's the bz for this?
00:56:34  For what?
00:57:12  the bz for publican-fedora requesting the license update
00:57:42  I don't know that there is one
00:57:44  Might not be
00:57:54  heh, ok
00:58:05  rudi: thanks, that XML was helpful; I'm building a book I
want to be clearly under the CC
00:58:19  NP
00:58:50  rudi: and many thanks for working on the update of the content
00:58:51  If it's your own book, you might want to include the CC logo too ;)
00:59:09 * quaid is doing a Red Hat branded book, so knows the answer
to that already
00:59:10  I know I would :)
00:59:14  Ah OK :)
00:59:49  NO CC LOGO IN PRINT!!!  :)
01:00:33  Okay...  anything else on this topic?
01:01:04  Action -- rudi to investigate getting a co-maintainer for 0
01:01:16  #Action -- rudi to investigate getting a co-maintainer for 0
01:01:20 * quaid thinks he can do that?
01:01:49  Let me test the waters first :)
01:02:30  Okay, lets move on to the last few topics so we can wrap
things up for the day
01:02:39  #topic Guide needs?
01:02:48  Does anyone need anything for their guide?
01:03:14  #topic New Guides
01:03:22  How about new guides?  Any of them?
01:04:22  Okay, there is a new guide in the works...
01:05:12  there will be an Amateur Radio Guide coming out discussing
the various pieces of software in Fedora for hams
01:05:24  Any others?
01:05:51  #topic All other business
01:06:01 * laubersm is available for proofreading
01:06:06  Okay, anything else for the meeting?
01:06:09  I have lots of little sturts of time
01:06:15  I have very little predictable time
01:06:29  But ping me and I am happy to review materials...
01:06:30  laubersm: Yeah...  understood
01:06:33  Thanks!
01:06:35  I know RN is coming up fast
01:06:47  and IG and UG for example
01:07:23  Thanks laubersm -- I'll be needing you :)
01:07:33  are the guides using Trac for one-task-per-chapter?
01:07:46  there is a workflow we can impose there, with writer owning
then passing to an open editor
01:07:51  it's manual ...
01:08:36  Each chapter would be in its own file
01:08:53  The AR Guide will be in git
01:10:08  Anything else?
01:11:24  Okay, thanks everyone for coming tonight!
01:11:27  #endmeeting
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