Docs Meeting 2009-02-11 IRC log

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Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
11:01 < Sparks> <meeting id="Docs Project">
11:01 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Welcome to the Docs Project Meeting - Agenda:
11:01 < Sparks> Roll Call!
11:01  * Sparks is here
11:01  * stickster is here
11:01  * ke4qqq is here
11:01 < kirkz> is here
11:01  * jjmcd too
11:02  * Sparks waits a few more minutes to allow the rest of the chickens a chance to migrate over
11:02 < ke4qqq> s/migrate over/cross the road
11:02 < Sparks> :)
11:02 < Sparks> Do chickens migrate?
11:02 < Sparks> Would chickens migrate?
11:02 < jjmcd> You'll never know, they keep the couped up
11:03  * stickster facepalm
11:03  * jjmcd has been grokking  PIC code today, is a little weird
11:04 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Documentation Schedule -
11:04 < Sparks> Okay... moving right along.
11:04 < Sparks> So I think quaid has been pinging on everyone about this schedule.
11:04 < Sparks> Does anyone have any problems or questions about it?
11:05  * Sparks hears crickets
11:05 < stickster> none here
11:05  * stickster caret stuck on other window
11:05 < ke4qqq> none here either
11:05 < Sparks> Okay.  Just making sure...  :)
11:05 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - CMS Update
11:05 < Sparks> Zikula has been in the test mode for about two weeks.  ke4qqq and itbegins have been working out the kinks.  Any updates?
11:06 < ke4qqq> I've been hacking on packaging and did a bit this weekend - and thanks to herlo have a much cleaner package - I've passed a few questions up to the packaging gods to see if things are allowed....
11:06 < ke4qqq> we still have 8-10 modules that will need to be packaged as well
11:06 -!- sdziallas_ [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:06 < stickster> ke4qqq: Is there a test site viewable at this time, or is that yet to come?
11:07 < ke4qqq> and I also have the conf file that we'll need to get squared away.
11:07 < ke4qqq> pt15 has a test site up and as a test site the Simon setup as well
11:07 < ke4qqq> still some work to do with websites for look and feel I believe
11:08  * stickster sorry to be behind on this
11:08 -!- fab [n=bellet@xxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:08  * ke4qqq hasn't had the time to devote to it that I want or it'd likely already be in review
11:08 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Do we have an estimation on when everything being completed?
11:08  * stickster notes is about 90% fedora-looking, fwiw
11:08 < ke4qqq> yes
11:09 < ke4qqq> Simon did a nice bit of work in mockup
11:09 < ke4qqq> Sparks: honestly no clue - package review will be an issue - esp since we are talking about 10+ packages
11:09 < ke4qqq> and while we don't need that completed to get it up and running
11:10 < ke4qqq> just getting it done will take a bit of time
11:10 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Okay.  Keep us informed!
11:10 -!- gregdek [n=gdk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:10 < stickster> ke4qqq: fyi,
11:10 < stickster> jeremy is volunteering to do some package review -- this seems like a good opportunity to grab him!
11:10 < ke4qqq> yes - and I have a few other resources who have volunteered to review for docs
11:10  * Sparks wonders if he should switch reviewers/
11:11  * stickster wonders if he just started a stampede. "Follow the gourd!"
11:11 < Sparks> Anything else for the CMS?
11:11 < ke4qqq> nothing from me
11:11 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Release Notes
11:11 < Sparks> Okay... Those lovely Release Notes...
11:11 < Sparks> Where are we?
11:11  * quaid is here
11:12 < jjmcd> Next week at this time we should be ready to build update for f10
11:12 < quaid> +10
11:12 < jjmcd> Ryanlerch has made a DocBook version from the wiki for f11 test
11:12 -!- jsalisbury [n=chatzill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:13 < jjmcd> I have shared some comments both on the mailing list and offline
11:13 < Sparks> jjmcd: Are you available on Fedora Talk?
11:14 < jjmcd> I am encouraged that mass rebuild as a result of gcc didn't seem to cause mass upheval
11:14 < jjmcd> Sparks I think I can be in a minute
11:14 < Sparks> jjmcd: I'd like to get you and ryanlerch and quaid and anyone else that wants to in a conference room later this week/weekend we we can make that happen.
11:14 < jjmcd> Untested, but I can hear, not so sure about be heard!
11:15 < jjmcd> "that" being?
11:15 -!- hanthana [n=hanthana@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit ["Leaving"]
11:15 < Sparks> Oh...
11:15  * stickster glad to see he's not the only one who abuses pronouns.
11:15 < Sparks> "that" being a conference call on F-Talk.  (I'm loosing my mind today)
11:16 -!- Zool^ [n=kaland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:16 < quaid> Sparks: I can do that somehow
11:16 < jjmcd> Prolly not such a bad plan
11:16 < ke4qqq> you mean you are coming unscrewed?
11:16 < quaid> yep, it's all loose
11:16 < Sparks> ke4qqq: There's a Navy term for that of which I'm pretty sure I can't use here
11:17 < ke4qqq> lol
11:17 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:17 -!- ldimagg__ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:17 < Sparks> Okay, so forward motion on the Release Notes... excellent
11:17 < quaid> ok, yeah, I'll take another shot at trying to help the relnotes miss the known bumps.
11:17 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Client Quit]
11:17  * Sparks loves it when quaid puts himself in the crosshairs
11:17  * quaid is beginning to lose his confidence around ability to write simple, clear instructions
11:17 < Sparks> Anything else?
11:18 < jjmcd> I think we may need to work harder to recruit beat writers
11:18 < jjmcd> I had some thoughts but haven't acted on them yet
11:18 < quaid> +1
11:18 < jjmcd> Prolly need to chat w/Ryan
11:18 < quaid> that's always been the biggest trouble imo
11:18 < ke4qqq> has there been any recruitment via p.fp.o?
11:18 < Sparks> jjmcd: Feel free to share your thoughts
11:18 < Sparks> jjmcd: either here or on the list.
11:18 < quaid> jjmcd: alt. you all could just do stuff and try to pump up the volume.
11:18 < ke4qqq> there was last release but I don't recall seeing any
11:19 < quaid> a lot of noise v. none isn't going to be a problem, is it?
11:19 < jjmcd> I think we do need to push up the volume a bit
11:19 -!- danielsmw [n=danielsm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:19  * quaid reaches for "11"
11:19 < quaid> see, it's one higher than "10"
11:19 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:19 < ke4qqq>  how appropriate
11:19 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:19 < ke4qqq> ahh spinal tap :)
11:20 -!- ldimagg__ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Client Quit]
11:20 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:20 -!- sdziallas [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
11:20 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:20 -!- DemonJester [n=DemonJes@fedora/DemonJester] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:21 < Sparks> jjmcd: Well, if you want to write something up please do.  We definitely need more people.
11:21 < Sparks> Anything else before we move on?
11:21 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:21 < jjmcd> Yeah, I'm heading into report time
11:21 < jjmcd> But need to get on that
11:21 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Installation Guide
11:21  * jjmcd goes heads-down on paperwork ~10-15th of the month
11:22 < Sparks> jjmcd: Understood
11:22 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Client Quit]
11:22 < Sparks> Any update on the Installation Guide?
11:22 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:22 < Sparks> I don't remember who has that project.
11:22  * ke4qqq has it
11:22  * quaid whistles
11:22 < quaid> yeah, him!
11:22 < Sparks> :)
11:22 < ke4qqq> Rudi volunteered to help, lcafiero is my editor, and herlo is going to write the missing network auth section
11:23 < ke4qqq> I'd still like more help, but am far better off than last week at this time
11:23  * danielsmw_ sneaks in quietly and takes a seat.
11:23 < ke4qqq> wow that sounded odd
11:23 < ke4qqq> far better off that this time last week
11:23  * ke4qqq gives up at typing
11:23 -!- Gaaruto [n=Gaaruto@fedora/Gaaruto] has quit ["++"]
11:23 < ke4qqq> I've also run through a couple of installs to notice changes in anaconda
11:24 -!- danielsmw_ is now known as danielsmw
11:24 < ke4qqq> but that's about it at the moment
11:24 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:24 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Okay.  Good deal.
11:24 < Sparks> Anyone have any questions?
11:24 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:24 < quaid> ke4qqq: I'm another hand, pointable at whatever is left on the floor.
11:25 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:25 < ke4qqq> quaid: I am trying to disavow knowledge of that at this point
11:25 < ke4qqq> as you'll likely have your hands full
11:25 < ke4qqq> if I get desperate I'll call for help, but I am hoping to pull new bodies to do this.
11:26 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on Security Guide
11:26 < Sparks> Well, this is my project...  The Brisbane team (mainly Scott) has been working on validating the documentation.  I'm still waiting on a few things to be fixed in Publican before I can get the package approved but a PDF is being generated and the docs.fp.o/securityguide is being updated regularly.
11:26 < Sparks> Any questions?
11:26 < quaid> ke4qqq: actually, to be fair, you all are doing such a great job of covering all the angles.
11:26 < quaid> that I found myself unexpectedly light in what I thought I was going to be doing for Docs for this release
11:27 < quaid> so I'm keeping it *all* in reserve for emergencies and pick ups :)
11:27 < ke4qqq> quaid: you ought not jinx us or yourself like that :)
11:27 < jjmcd> Well, you gotta stay loose to watch Lance
11:27 < ke4qqq> Sparks: what's the package blocking on?
11:27 < quaid> <== lighting rod
11:27 < quaid> I can take the shock :)
11:27 < Sparks> quaid: Now go outside... spin around three times and spit!
11:27 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Good golly it is a list!
11:27 < quaid> Sparks: widdershins?
11:28 < ke4qqq> bz ticket #?
11:28 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Apparently Publican matches perfectly for RH packaging standards but not so much with Fedora packaging standards.
11:28 < quaid> done
11:28 < Sparks> ke4qqq: which is amazing because they are supposed to be the same.
11:28 < ke4qqq> :)
11:28 < Sparks> .bug 476471
11:28 < buggbot> Bug medium, low, ---, petersen@xxxxxxxxxx, ASSIGNED, Review Request: fedora-security-guide - A security guide for Linux
11:28 < zodbot> Sparks: Bug 476471 Review Request: fedora-security-guide - A security guide for Linux -
11:28 < buggbot> Bug 476471: medium, low, ---, petersen@xxxxxxxxxx, ASSIGNED, Review Request: fedora-security-guide - A security guide for Linux
11:28 -!- ldimaggi__ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:29 < Sparks> Well, that was interesting
11:29 < quaid> heh
11:29 < quaid> close
11:29 < Sparks> ke4qqq: So I'm waiting on another version of Publican right now.
11:29 -!- ldimaggi__ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Client Quit]
11:29 -!- ldimaggi__ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:29 < ke4qqq> k
11:30 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:30 < Sparks> My problems, however, are problems that will affect EVERYONE in Fedora that plan on using Publican for Documentation that will be generating SRPMs
11:31 < Sparks> So I'm trying to identify the problems and have them fixed so Publican will be useable without any slight of hand or trickery.
11:31 < itbegins> Sorry, I'm here now - got called out just as meeting started.  fwiw I have nothing to add on the CMS front.
11:31 -!- dwmw2 is now known as dwmw2_gone
11:31 < quaid> +1*10^27
11:31 -!- danielsmw_ [n=danielsm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:31 < ke4qqq> cool
11:31 < ke4qqq> yeah what quaid said
11:31 < quaid> so Publican lead developer said he'd take patches, Perl I presume.
11:32 < quaid> otherwise I doubt we'll see this soon enough; I reckon it's not priority to the Publican community that is !Fedora Project
11:32 < Sparks> quaid: He said he'd take them but didn't say what he'd do with them.
11:32 < quaid> Sparks: well, he may argue about implementation details, but unless he's being intentionall disingenuous ...
11:33 -!- ldimaggi_ [n=ldimaggi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Client Quit]
11:33 -!- sdziallas_ is now known as sdziallas
11:33 < quaid> one thing that bothers me so far ...
11:33 < quaid> spot: are you around?
11:33 < quaid> I'd like a definitive from spot or tburke that (Fedora packaging standards) == (Red Hat packaging standards)
11:33 < quaid> or an explanation of the difference and exceptions.
11:34 < Sparks> +1
11:34 < quaid> that's more from a general community member perspective, not really a Docs thing.
11:34 < quaid> I grok that there are exceptions, maybe many hundreds, but they shouldn't make the rule or define how tools should behave.
11:35 < quaid> at least, if what we see from the entire QE and RelEng departments are any indication, the two are equivalent.
11:35 < quaid> </soapbox>
11:35 < Sparks> quaid: Well, can you take the tasker to find out what the difference is between RH and F?
11:36 < quaid> Sparks: aye
11:36 < Sparks> quaid: TU
11:36 < Sparks> Anything else?
11:36 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on SELinux Guide
11:37 < Sparks> Okay.  This is mdious's project.  He isn't awake at this time but I know he's made a lot of progress on this.
11:37 < Sparks> I'll see if I can get more information from him later this week.
11:37 < Sparks> Any questions about this one?
11:37 -!- kital [n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:38 < quaid> is he doing an FN version or does he need it versionless, cf. SEc Guide?
11:38 < quaid> in terms of the packaging name :)
11:38 -!- nim-nim [n=nim-nim@fedora/nim-nim] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:38 < Sparks> quaid: I don't know.  I'm pretty sure he'll be in my boat.
11:38 < quaid> yeah, I'm unclear there.
11:38 < quaid> but otherwise it looks freaking great.
11:38 < Sparks> the packaging name issue will be there until Publican is rewritten.
11:39 < Sparks> Okay... Moving on...
11:39 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Status on User Guide
11:39 < Sparks> This is Matthew's (danielsmw) project and since he usually doesn't get into the meetings until late he sent an email to the list.  Did everyone read it?
11:39 < Sparks> danielsmw: You here?
11:39 < danielsmw_> He got here this time though. =)
11:39 < danielsmw_> Yeah, I'm here.
11:39 < danielsmw_> But everyone should have seen my email.
11:39 < danielsmw_> quaid: still planning on doing that at SCaLE?
11:40 < quaid> danielsmw_: darn tootin'
11:40 < quaid> it's in the press release
11:40 < quaid> can't back down now
11:40 < danielsmw_> Okay, great
11:40 < danielsmw_> Well
11:40  * quaid goes to read email to catch right up
11:40 < danielsmw_> A question that I put in the email that I've been thinking about
11:40 < Sparks> danielsmw_: I think I responded to your message with direction on KDE stuff.
11:40 < danielsmw_> is editing directly in XML vs the wiki
11:41 < danielsmw_> Sparks: thanks, let me check it...
11:41 < danielsmw_> Ah, good idea
11:41 < danielsmw_> I'll hop over to fedora-kde later on and try that
11:41 < quaid> danielsmw_: ok, I said some stuff on that earlier this week; did you catch that?
11:41 < Sparks> danielsmw_: the KDE folks seem very helpful and willing to help push "their" packages
11:41 < quaid> on f-docs-l
11:42 < danielsmw_> quaid: Maybe?  I usually read the emails but I'm not sure what you mean
11:42 < quaid> in summary, there is an argument that the U_G is a perfect newbie training tool; edit in wiki then help with conversion.
11:42 < danielsmw_> ah, right
11:42 < danielsmw_> yes
11:42 < quaid> v. any other more complex one.
11:42 < quaid> however
11:42 < danielsmw_> Yeah, and I agree with that
11:42 < danielsmw_> So
11:42 < danielsmw_> What I would ideally like to see
11:42 < danielsmw_> Is some hypothetical process where
11:42 < quaid> the other argument is that the wiki is growing as a small-article tool, so we could have people just make the leap, if you feel you can sustain the team.
11:42 < danielsmw_> We... made editing XML very beginner friendly?  I'm not sure.
11:43 < danielsmw_> quaid: expand on that?
11:43 < quaid> IMO, the stuff that 'mw-render' pulls from a properly cleaned wiki page
11:43 -!- sonargal [n=Test@fedora/SonarGal] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:43 < quaid> is great learner stuff
11:43 < quaid> you learn how to fit it in to Publican and start editing
11:43 < quaid> but I'm such a non-beginner I might be missing the complexity :)
11:43 < danielsmw_> Heh
11:43 < quaid> danielsmw_: to expand quickly:
11:43 < ke4qqq> it's not 'beginner friendly' - but it's not hard -  a few hours and you'll have the basics but the letters X-M-L scare people into thinking it must be akin to writing assembly
11:43 -!- nim-nim [n=nim-nim@fedora/nim-nim] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:44 < jjmcd> Even if it is very beginner friendly, a wiki seems to be less intimidating
11:44 < quaid> if there is enough work on the wiki to keep newbies happy there, then they can just leap to XML when ready; i.e., we don't need a full guide that carries training wheels forever
11:44 < danielsmw_> quaid: okay, I get what you're saying
11:44 < quaid> my gut says we're not there yet, make that an F12 goal perhaps.
11:44 < danielsmw_> Yeah
11:44 < danielsmw_> Either way, that's not my biggest concern right now.
11:45 < danielsmw_> I just want to:
11:45 < danielsmw_> 1. Catch up to the release cycle, and
11:45 < danielsmw_> 2. work on the user friendliness aspects that eawest and I had talked about and started a bit
11:45 -!- iarlyy [n=iarlyy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:46 < danielsmw_> So, unless anyone has any questions.... that's about it, I think.
11:46 < danielsmw_> The only writers I really have right now are myself, eawest when she's around,
11:46 < danielsmw_> and it looks like I may be pulling in kirk, who just joined the list.
11:46 < quaid> danielsmw_: can we set a priority for chapters or work before the FAD?
11:47 < quaid> that is ...
11:47 < kirkz> danielsmw:  happy to do what I can
11:47 < Sparks> danielsmw_: Can you make sure kirk knows where all the resources and such are, please?
11:47 < quaid> either set a priority to chapters, or to content (all GNOME first, etc.), or to the rewrite bits
11:47 < danielsmw_> Sparks: I didn't realize it, but he's right there.
11:47 < Sparks> danielsmw_: There ya go!
11:47 < danielsmw_> kirkz: any questions?
11:47 < quaid> and a plan ... are we going to tackle chapters one at a time and do the full work on it, or split up and specialize.
11:47 < danielsmw_> quaid: Yes, we can do that
11:47 < quaid> i.e., I work on restyling, others work on fact checking updates, etc.
11:47 -!- danielsmw [n=danielsm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Connection timed out]
11:47 < kirkz> Not smart enough to ask yet :0
11:48  * quaid thinks specialize might work best, but we can also experiment
11:48 < danielsmw_> I'll set priorities this weekend, and then you and I can work on a process
11:48 -!- GeroldKa [n=GeroldKa@fedora/geroldka] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:48 -!- danielsmw_ is now known as danielsmw
11:48 -!- mcepl [n=mcepl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-meeting []
11:48 < quaid> kirkz: just keep asking questions in #fedora-docs :)
11:48  * danielsmw is glad to be rid of that pesky underscore
11:48 < kirkz> quaid:  will do
11:48 < quaid> kirkz: for what it's worth, our join process still sucks a bit, so don't overly blame yourself :)
11:48 -!- iarlyy [n=iarlyy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:49 < Sparks> Okay, we only have about ten minutes left and I have two more topics to discuss.  Does anyone have anything else about the User Guide?
11:49 < kirkz> k
11:49  * quaid done
11:49 -!- sdziallas_ [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:49 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - Meeting time change
11:49 < Sparks>
11:49 < Sparks> If you haven't already posted your availabilities up on the meeting matrix please do so before next Wednesday.  I want to get this fixed by then so we can start incorporating more of our team into our meetings.
11:49 -!- JSchmitt [n=s4504kr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:50  * Sparks thinks we should also rename everything as we don't really have a FDSCo but rather a Docs Team.
11:50  * jjmcd notes that last he looked there weren't any good times, just less sucky than other times
11:50  * danielsmw agrees
11:50  * danielsmw with sparks.
11:50 < Sparks> jjmcd: danielsmw I think it is ALWAYS going to be that way.
11:50 < jjmcd> yep
11:51 -!- willygarcia_ [n=willygar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
11:51 < Sparks> Well, we can compile all the data and see where it points us.
11:51 -!- sdziallas [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Connection timed out]
11:51 < jjmcd> You would think the IRC gods would gift us with a perfect time
11:51 < Sparks> besides quaid, who else is PST?
11:51 < quaid> not many
11:51  * Sparks is worried about "drive time" PST
11:51 -!- sdziallas_ is now known as sdziallas
11:51 < quaid> apparently no one loves Fedora in Cali
11:52 < Sparks> quaid: You do
11:52 < jjmcd> Well, CA is weird
11:52 < quaid> not many
11:52 < Sparks> Okay... Anything else before I bring up quaid's topic?
11:52 < ke4qqq> quaid doesn't have to worry about 'drive time' does he?
11:52 < Sparks> ke4qqq: I don't think so
11:52  * ke4qqq thought he worked from home and had a never-visited office in mtn view
11:53 < quaid> RHT has an office but I don't have a desk in MTV
11:53 < Sparks> ke4qqq: Which is why I worried about everyone other than quaid
11:53 < ke4qqq> ahhh ok
11:53 < quaid> yeah, drive time doesn't bug me, unless it's also dinner time 
11:53 < Sparks> ke4qqq: He's always here!
11:53  * quaid will fill out his stuff
11:53 < Sparks> Anything else?
11:54 -!- fugolini [n=francesc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:54 -!- Sparks changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Docs Project - DocsProject wiki page changes
11:54 < Sparks> I think this is quaid's since I saw the message go up on f-wiki-l...
11:54 < Sparks> quaid: So you finally went and did it.
11:54 < quaid> ah, yeah
11:54 < quaid> Sparks: did what?
11:55 < Sparks> quaid: Put it all down on... ummm... paper
11:55 < quaid> heh
11:55 -!- k0k [n=k0k@fedora/k0k] has quit ["Saliendo"]
11:55 < Sparks> quaid: I've been trying to control myself from doing it by hand but it seems we may have to.
11:55 < quaid> yeah, we're stuck on the renaming and categories
11:55 < quaid> or rip and replce
11:55 < quaid> to get our process's cleaned up
11:55 < quaid> I'm also tired of people (/me mumbles no names) who are pointing at crufty process content
11:56 < quaid> as canonical, which is our fault for leaving it there and not updating.
11:56 < quaid> but I cannot see how to do this right without a cleanup/rename or rip/replace.
11:56 < quaid> why you ask?
11:56 < ke4qqq> on that note has ian/G provided an update on wikibot recently? and has there been any documentation of how to handle categories in the wikirename psvs?
11:56 < quaid> because when we get every real process page in [[Category:Docs Project process]] ...
11:56 < quaid> we are going to easily see duplicates and holes.
11:57 < quaid> ke4qqq: ian and I have been poking G, yeah, and last request to get the code in to the f'hosted/fedora-wiki project git
11:57 < Sparks> quaid: Okay, if ianweller can't get the bot cranked up by Friday evening let's get a process started at identifying and renaming all the pages and get them in the proper cats
11:57 < quaid> the .psv helps a lot there
11:58 < quaid> we can use it as a guide in renaming, etc.
11:58 -!- Gaaruto [n=Gaaruto@fedora/Gaaruto] has joined #fedora-meeting
11:58 < Sparks> quaid: Well we might need to put it on the wiki and assign people sections.
11:58 < quaid> the hassle is how many pages there are and linking in going through 120 new redirect pages
11:58 -!- Sonar_Guy [n=Baconz@fedora/sonarguy] has quit ["Xchat destroyed by Operating System"]
11:59 < Sparks> quaid: no doubt it will be some work but we have to do it if we are going to be the shining example that we want to be.
11:59 < quaid> word!
11:59 < Sparks> Okay... with seconds left in the hour...  anyone have anything else?
11:59 < Sparks> 5
11:59 < Sparks> 4
11:59 < Sparks> 3
11:59 < Sparks> 2
11:59 < Sparks> 1
11:59 < Sparks> Thanks everyone for coming!
12:00 < Sparks> </meeting>

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