Re: Self Introduction

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On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 08:35:15PM -0400, susan_lists@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I have been meaning to get more involved with fedoraproject for a while and
> I have been lurking here on the docs list for a few weeks now. I was
> struggling a little to figure out how this project worked but then I rescued
> about 50 messages from my spam folder and it is now starting to make more
> sense :)
> I have been a contract instructor for Red Hat since 2000 and involved in
> network operating system support and training since 1992 (and *nix user even
> longer). I have contributed to Red Hat course materials including general
> bug reports, testing updated labs, helping to update the online training
> from RHEL3 to RHEL4, and providing content for the first release of Red Hat
> Academy materials.
> The Red Hat Academy project involved working with DocBook.
> I have taught and used cvs, seen subversion, and am sure I can figure out
> git relatively quickly.
> I am not as versed in wiki and irc etiquette and usage but I have been
> poking around and reading some of the intro and FAQ docs and of course I
> have had plenty of experience with mailing lists and AIM.
> And for all that I use and recommend opensource, this is the first project I
> have actually joined (better late then never I guess).
> I am interested in all things related to learning and teaching -
> documentation, corporate training, university settings, and youngsters too.
> I am also lurking on the OLPC list and as a longer term goal, I would like
> to learn more about packaging.


Great to have you aboard!  This is how I got started in an open source
project too, and since I started with documentation, I got involved in
packaging and other parts of Fedora as well.

If you're a relative newcomer, you might be able to best help by
plunging into the wiki and helping to edit some pages.  We have a
style guide and editing help already on the wiki.  Those documents are
rather long but in many cases they simply down to good use of
English, being as concise as possible, and eliminating confusion
wherever we can.

There's an IRC primer available here:

We have meetings of our group on IRC Freenode at #fedora-docs on
Wednesdays at 3:00pm US/Eastern (2000 UTC starting next week).  I
usually recommend the 'xchat-gnome' package for beginners using the
standard GNOME desktop, and I think konversation is the preferred
package for KDE users.  If you need help installing or getting started
with IRC let us know.

Paul W. Frields                      
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