Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 22:32 -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
Note that the su command removes the need for the user to look for
niggling prompt details. It also clarifies that the user should
expect a prompt for the root password.
In theory, no-one should ever have (to have) the root password. It
should be changed regularly and the actual password can be (should be)
stored in a (very) safe location.
In practice of course though, this *almost* never ever happens, and that
IMHO is a bad thing.
Using "su -c" in documentation is not going to facilitate improving that
situation, while the alternative is:
In part of that discussion with the Content Services team, we discussed
the need for sudo to be enabled by default. One person was in favor of
having each document specify how to enable sudo, but I don't like that
rat hole. That is another point we could discuss, however, if any
Anonymous Cowards are interested in fixing the common usage. Meanwhile,
I'm advocating for a sane sudo-by-default in future Fedora versions so
we can stop having to use 'su -c'.
There appears to be a growing wish for having the first user (entered
during firstboot) be sudo-enabled, how can we actually make it so,
process-technically speaking?
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