FDSCo Meeting 2008-08-20 IRC log

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In wiki:  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Docs_IRC_log_20080820

12:02 < quaid> <meeting role="off-channel_start">
12:03  * ke4qqq is here
12:03 < quaid> moi aussi
12:04  * ke4qqq introduces kishan 
12:04 < ke4qqq> say hi kishan
12:06 < quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Meetings#Agenda_for_Next_Meeting
12:06 < zodbot> <http://tinyurl.com/6e4vhe> (at fedoraproject.org)
12:06  * quaid fixes the date on there :)
12:06 -!- MegaCoder [n=MegaCode@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-docs []
12:08 < quaid> ok, so ... 
12:08 < quaid> actually, maybe we want to hit the easy thing first
12:08 < quaid> the beta notes
12:08 < kishan> hello...
12:09 -!- LinuxParasite [n=worrallm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-docs
12:09 < quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/10/Beta/ReleaseNotes
12:09 < zodbot> <http://tinyurl.com/6q77rt> (at fedoraproject.org)
12:09 < quaid> tasks from there are:
12:09 < quaid> 1. draft a Beta release announcement (anyone in Docs)
12:10 < quaid> 2. make sure that the Beta one-sheet is getting even *more* love from developers, packagers, artists, etc.
12:10  * quaid looks for current due date
12:10 < quaid> 02 Sep
12:10 -!- rwmjones [n=rwmjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-docs
12:10 < quaid> is the Beta release currently
12:11 < quaid> so that means we want it ready by 01 Sep at the latest
12:11 < quaid> ~15 days
12:12  * ke4qqq is behind on his beat 
12:12 < quaid> Action: Everyone -- talk about the Beta one-sheet to other's in the project, esp. beats you are writing
12:12 < quaid> -- blog posts
12:12 < quaid> -- email to lists
12:12 < quaid> -- IRC/f2f
12:12 < ke4qqq> what's the one sheet?? sorry for the ignorance...
12:12 < quaid> ke4qqq: there is an explanation somewhere, but the short of it is
12:13 < quaid> Alpha and Beta release notes are a one-page on the wiki
12:13 < quaid> we used to do a full XML and trans, and it was really wasted time
12:13 < quaid> our first Beta => XML is for RC1
12:13 < quaid> which then includes time for trans, so the trans gets an RC treatment
12:14 < ke4qqq> ahhh ok - so one sheet is english only?  - what are we supposed to talk up?
12:14 < quaid> that people need to add their stuff to that page
12:14 < quaid> what do they want tested?
12:14 < quaid> what is working?  what isn't?
12:14 < quaid> etc.
12:14 < ke4qqq> ahhh ok
12:15 < quaid> http://iquaid.org/2008/07/21/lets-talk-about-release-notes-shall-we/
12:15 < zodbot> <http://tinyurl.com/58fh9w> (at iquaid.org)
12:15 < quaid> that's a fair explanation
12:16 < quaid> any other questions?  or thoughts on this topic?
12:16 < ke4qqq> none from me
12:19 < quaid> ok then!
12:19 -!- LinuxParasite [n=worrallm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit ["Leaving"]
12:19 < quaid> looks like #fedora-meeting is open
12:19 < quaid> let's move the next topic over there
12:20 < quaid> </meeting role="jump-channel">
12:20 -!- quaid changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora Documentation : catching up on past weeks meeting summary and tasks
12:21 < quaid> Catch up on minutes/summary from previous weeks
12:21 < quaid> * What's going on in the world? * Are all tasks written down? 
12:21 -!- John5342_Away is now known as John5342
12:22 < quaid> so I'm looking over the previous few weeks of meetings ..
12:26 < quaid> ok, so it's just last week's missing
12:26 < quaid> what I'm going to do now is:
12:26 < quaid> leave the channel open for discussion 
12:26 < quaid> while I post the IRC log and review it for tasks
12:26 < quaid> which was primarily talking about wiki naming
12:27  * ke4qqq wonders if wiki naming as ever codified based on those decisions
12:27 < ke4qqq> as in on the wiki
12:28 < quaid> it wasn't :)
12:28 < quaid> but it's not far
12:28 < quaid> the Help:Wiki_structure page just needs clearing
12:28 < quaid> ke4qqq: do you want to hit that page and see if you can get it to sync with last week's decision?
12:29 < ke4qqq> sure I can do that
12:31 -!- LetoTo [n=paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
12:32 -!- LetoTo [n=paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
12:33 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]
12:33 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
12:36 < quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Docs_IRC_log_20080813
12:36 < zodbot> <http://tinyurl.com/6g7mzh> (at fedoraproject.org)
12:38 < quaid> oops, I didn't add in the bottom on that
12:38  * quaid re-does
12:40 -!- j-rod [n=jarod@nat/redhat/x-6c8a743783ae96f0] has left #fedora-meeting ["I give up!"]
12:41 < quaid> ok, that's complete now
12:42 -!- lxo [n=aoliva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
12:43 -!- victorv [n=chatzill@nat/sun/x-3c6d1ac248ed589d] has left #fedora-meeting []
12:47 -!- red_alert [i=50dbe910@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-0b8ba3812b592193] has joined #fedora-meeting
12:49  * ke4qqq sense relatively slow meeting
12:52 < quaid> aye
12:52 < ke4qqq> so on the assumption that this is still open discussion time -
12:52 < ke4qqq> oops
12:52 < quaid> oh, go ahead
12:52 < quaid> sometimes it's slow, sometimes not ... good chance to do some work -in-meeting to catch up
12:52 -!- sdziallas_ [n=sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
12:53 < ke4qqq> kishan - one of the things that needs to be done still is confirming the accuracy of the stuff in the UG - ie that the directions are all correct.
12:53 < quaid> ke4qqq: we didn't address Example_wiki_page last week, do you want to talk about it today?
12:53 < ke4qqq> we can do that
12:55 < quaid> I like the concept; we can draw all kinds of use cases from Help:Wiki_editing
12:56 < ke4qqq> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Example_wiki_page   - thus far no one has edited the page or changed anything - stickster did comment on my lack of finishing a paragraph
12:57 < ke4qqq> regarding the page naming issue
12:57 -!- fcrippa [n=fcrippa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
12:59 < quaid> ok, I hadn't looked at that page directly before, sry
12:59 < ke4qqq> np
12:59 -!- trausche [n=rat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-meeting []
12:59 < quaid> how about a link and explanation at that top that it is not supposed to show _how_ wiki markup works, or what formatting to use
12:59 < quaid> then link to the appropriate Help: pages?
13:00 < quaid> i.e., opposite of where I said to draw examples; don't bother to repeat content, just link to it :)
13:00  * quaid can do that edit, just checking the idea
13:00 < ke4qqq> patches welcome :) but that's a good idea.
13:00 -!- cwickert [n=chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
13:01 -!- cmpahar [n=cmpahar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
13:02 -!- jnettlet [n=jnettlet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
13:03  * quaid sends last week summary and goes to edit
13:03 < quaid> ok, we can finish here then
13:03 < quaid> last two items:
13:03 < quaid> ACTION: quaid sends email to list to get help with Packaging_guidelines
13:03 < quaid> ACTION: quaid to send summary of today :D
13:03 < quaid> finito!
13:03 < quaid> any more, #fedora-docs as usual
13:03 < quaid> </meeting>

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