I think we need to say something about (see below) here:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: F9 PreView Anaconda,XEN, Xorg Problems
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:38:02 -0400
From: Jon Stanley <jonstanley@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases
To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases
References: <BAYC1-PASMTP10BF570DB4950DE379F1FEA8E60@xxxxxxx>
On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 10:32 AM, David M Burgess
<davidburgess@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've just finished installing the Preview Release on three different
hardware platforms.
Big problems with them all.
I'm installing on dual core 64 bit hardware"
Lenovo T61p - dual core Intel
Asus A7N-M2 - AMD M2
Sun Ultra20 M2 - AMD Opteron
All the boxes have 2Gig of RAM and SATA drives, each box also has a
NVidia video card - different one in all three.
When Anaconda gets to part where you configure the network cards eth0
has no check mark but eth1 does and Anaconda is set to configure that by
default. A minor problem but still wrong.
I'll check this out.
Far more seriously XEN refuses to boot on any of the three platforms I
even installed the 32 bit PR on the Asus box and had a similar reaction.
Xen Dom0 support is not included, nor slated to be included, in F9.
Folks that need Xen Dom0 are advised to stay with F8. For more
information, see
When I tried to update the base PR using
System->Administration->Add/Remove Software it took more than 40 minutes
to return and tell me that there were no updates nor any additional
software to install. So I installed yumex and it worked fine.
Not sure, maybe some PackageKit guys can answer this one
The Anaconda and PackageKit problems are merely irritating, the XEN and
X are show stoppers for us.
You didn't mention any X problems.
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