FDSCo Meeting 2008-02-27 IRC log

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Feb 27 22:13:58 <jmbuser>	<meeting>
Feb 27 22:14:19 <jmbuser>	Welcome to the Fedora Docs Meeting
Feb 27 22:14:26 <jmbuser>	Roll Call
Feb 27 22:14:30 <jmbuser>	John Babich
Feb 27 22:15:00 <couf>	Bart Couvreur
Feb 27 22:15:22 <glezos>	Dimitris Glezos
Feb 27 22:16:38 <glezos>	stickster, quaid, BobJensen: ping
Feb 27 22:17:11 <jmbuser>	quaid gave his apology earlier - he's not
feeling well...
Feb 27 22:17:32 <jmbuser>	stickster may join us later...he has a meeting
Feb 27 22:17:54 *	jsmith (n=jsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:17:58 <jmbuser>	BobJensen's taking care of family business...
Feb 27 22:18:10 <jmbuser>	jsmith: ping
Feb 27 22:18:34 *	jsmith is here
Feb 27 22:18:54 <jmbuser>	OK, please see the agenda at
Feb 27 22:19:42 <jmbuser>	Item #1: Any update on one-page summary?
Feb 27 22:20:19 *	mdomsch has quit ("Leaving")
Feb 27 22:20:22 <couf>	JonRob asked about it on the marketing-list
Feb 27 22:21:14 <couf>	will be a part of the markteting meeting this week, afaik
Feb 27 22:22:42 <jmbuser>	couf: I can't find the reference, but I'll
take your word on it
Feb 27 22:23:26 <couf>	ow, hang on
Feb 27 22:23:43
<couf>	https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-marketing-list/2008-February/msg00433.html
Feb 27 22:23:53 <jmbuser>	couf: thanks
Feb 27 22:24:33 *	JSchmitt (n=s4504kr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:24:44 <couf>	I'm in favor of letting marketing do the first
write-ups and we go in after to do some wordsmithing etc
Feb 27 22:25:27 <jmbuser>	+1
Feb 27 22:25:57 <jmbuser>	Any other comments on item #1?
Feb 27 22:26:17 <EvilBob>	Hey I am Here
Feb 27 22:26:31 <jmbuser>	EvilBob: welcome
Feb 27 22:27:01 <jmbuser>	OK, how about item #2 - update on active
content - Release notes?
Feb 27 22:27:48 *	JSchmitt has quit (Client Quit)
Feb 27 22:27:52 <jmbuser>	Ties in with beta freeze, I would imagine
Feb 27 22:28:12 *	stickster is now known as stickster_afk
Feb 27 22:28:34 <jmbuser>	So, moving on...DUG / AG / SMG
Feb 27 22:29:06 <EvilBob>	IG: I have no updates this week, I have been
learning emacs and vi trying to find an editor before I start digging
Feb 27 22:29:31 *	wolfy (n=lonewolf@fedora/wolfy) has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:29:32 <jmbuser>	EvilBob: OK
Feb 27 22:29:52 <couf>	same here: no updates
Feb 27 22:30:31 <jmbuser>	DUG: No update - I'm ready to attempt
Publican to do some DocBook conversion, after some editing
Feb 27 22:31:00 <jmbuser>	OK, crypto?
Feb 27 22:31:34 <jsmith>	Last I heard on crypto, Sparks was still
working on it in the wiki
Feb 27 22:31:43 *	cdehaan
(n=Cody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has
joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:31:54 <jsmith>	jmbuser: I'm happy to help with DocBook
conversion on DUG, fwiw
Feb 27 22:32:39 <jmbuser>	jsmith: Thanks, as long as I can take part
in it, because I need to improve my skills at DocBook
Feb 27 22:33:06 <jsmith>	jmbuser: Absolutely!  I'll just play the role
as mentor, answering questions as you get stuck
Feb 27 22:33:23 <jmbuser>	jsmith: Thanks
Feb 27 22:33:37 *	fabian_a (n=fabian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:33:38 <jmbuser>	Moving on - ConsoleKit/PolicyKit inclusion beat
Feb 27 22:34:35 <EvilBob>	To do this week, BobJensen needs to get an
email out for Beats content
Feb 27 22:35:40 <jmbuser>	I saw some blogging on it
Feb 27 22:35:59 *	cdehaan has quit (Client Quit)
Feb 27 22:36:04 <EvilBob>	Yeah I am going to start blogging this week
Feb 27 22:36:48 <jmbuser>	EvilBob: excellent
Feb 27 22:37:24 <jmbuser>	Set Chair/Leader - should we tackle this now
or wait on it?
Feb 27 22:37:35 *	smooge has quit ("-ENOCAFFEINE")
Feb 27 22:37:52 <EvilBob>	vice chair
Feb 27 22:37:55 <jsmith>	jmbuser: Before we jump to that, can we mention SMG?
Feb 27 22:38:01 *	smooge (n=smooge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:38:03 <EvilBob>	jsmith: yes
Feb 27 22:38:12 <jmbuser>	jsmith:  +1
Feb 27 22:38:19 <jsmith>	I'm still waiting on feedback on the SMG
transition from Wiki to CVS
Feb 27 22:38:27 *	smooge has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
Feb 27 22:38:35 *	DanseMakabre (i=pat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined
Feb 27 22:38:43 <jsmith>	(technically, it should be in good shape...
it could use some wordsmithing in a few places, but the docbook should
be pretty solid)
Feb 27 22:39:06 <jsmith>	I was hoping to get some of the more
experienced members of the team to make sure I haven't totally screwed
Feb 27 22:39:18 *	jsmith is still new here, and doesn't want to assume
he's doing it right
Feb 27 22:39:28 <jmbuser>	jsmith: I can review it for typos, style,
etc. if you like
Feb 27 22:40:00 <jsmith>	jmbuser: OK, that would be great.
Feb 27 22:40:12 <jsmith>	I'll try to get quaid or stickster to review
the DocBook
Feb 27 22:40:20 <jsmith>	That's all I had ;-)
Feb 27 22:40:45 <jmbuser>	jsmith: Are you familiar with the CVS procedures?
Feb 27 22:40:48 *	wolfy (n=lonewolf@fedora/wolfy) has left
#fedora-meeting ("It's not the pace of life that concerns me, it's the
sudden stop at the end.")
Feb 27 22:42:38 *	cdehaan
(n=Cody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has
joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:42:38 <jsmith>	jmbuser: Yes
Feb 27 22:42:48 <jmbuser>	jsmith: good
Feb 27 22:42:55 <jsmith>	jmbuser: I've already done the conversion to
DocBook and checked the changes into CVS
Feb 27 22:43:05 <jsmith>	jmbuser: (in the yum-management-guide module)
Feb 27 22:43:15 <jmbuser>	jsmith: good++
Feb 27 22:43:34 <jsmith>	What I'm not super-familiar with is the tool chain
Feb 27 22:43:50 <jsmith>	(and nuances of various DocBook tags and how
you guys use them)
Feb 27 22:44:04 <jsmith>	But yes, I'm very familiar with CVS and
DocBook in general
Feb 27 22:44:39 <EvilBob>	Leadership?
Feb 27 22:44:43 *	cdehaan has quit (Client Quit)
Feb 27 22:44:55 <jmbuser>	jmbuser: I'm not an expert, but I'm a little
familiar with the tags  - po files are another story
Feb 27 22:45:08 <jmbuser>	EvilBob: Since you mentioned it...
Feb 27 22:45:09 <EvilBob>	Do we have enough here for quorum?
Feb 27 22:45:30 <jmbuser>	Let's see - roll call time again
Feb 27 22:45:36 <jmbuser>	John babich
Feb 27 22:45:45 <EvilBob>	couf glezos jmbuser BobJensen jsmith
Feb 27 22:45:53 *	cebbert (n=cebbert@nat/redhat/x-5f0c21f2d3bf45b4)
has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:45:58 <jsmith>	Jared Smith
Feb 27 22:46:00 <EvilBob>	that should be 5 enough for a confirmation
Feb 27 22:46:03 <EvilBob>	Bob Jensen
Feb 27 22:46:33 <EvilBob>	did we lose glezos and couf
Feb 27 22:46:49 <jmbuser>	glezos: ping
Feb 27 22:46:51 <glezos>	EvilBob: I'm here
Feb 27 22:46:57 <jmbuser>	couf: ping
Feb 27 22:47:00 <glezos>	+1 for converting
Feb 27 22:47:20 <couf>	pong, wifi dropped a bit
Feb 27 22:48:05 <jmbuser>	It looks like a quorum...
Feb 27 22:48:11 <EvilBob>	I would like to motion for a vote confirming
jmbuser as our new Vice Chair/Future leader
Feb 27 22:48:21 *	smooge (n=smooge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #fedora-meeting
Feb 27 22:48:57 <jsmith>	I second the motion
Feb 27 22:49:12 <couf>	+1
Feb 27 22:49:41 <EvilBob>	All those in favor of John Babich leading
the prject in the future please respond with a +1
Feb 27 22:49:44 *	JSchmitt (n=s4504kr@fedora/JSchmitt) has joined
Feb 27 22:49:45 <EvilBob>	+1
Feb 27 22:49:49 <couf>	+1
Feb 27 22:49:52 <jmbuser>	(abstains)
Feb 27 22:49:55 <glezos>	um
Feb 27 22:50:01 <glezos>	what does "in the future" mean? :)
Feb 27 22:50:18 <EvilBob>	glezos: 6 onths as vice chair, learning the ropes
Feb 27 22:50:37 <EvilBob>	glezos: then a 1 year term as chair
Feb 27 22:50:52 <EvilBob>	glezos: the last 6 months training the next chair
Feb 27 22:51:09 <glezos>	EvilBob: maybe we might want to have quaid
and stickster around for such a vote?
Feb 27 22:51:18 <jmbuser>	I think it should clear that assumes
continued involvement and re-election
Feb 27 22:51:21 <EvilBob>	glezos: they are in agreement
Feb 27 22:51:33 <glezos>	FWIW, I think it's great to have jmbuser for VC :)
Feb 27 22:52:03 <jmbuser>	If I really screw up, you can kick me out :-)
Feb 27 22:52:04 <glezos>	+1 then
Feb 27 22:52:28 <EvilBob>	jsmith: do you care to vote?
Feb 27 22:52:45 <jsmith>	Obviously, since I seconded the motion
Feb 27 22:52:47 <jsmith>	+1
Feb 27 22:52:54 *	JSchmitt has quit (Client Quit)
Feb 27 22:53:08 <EvilBob>	we have the required 4 + votes to confirm
Feb 27 22:53:20 <EvilBob>	jmbuser: Congrats
Feb 27 22:53:47 <glezos>	jmbuser: I'm sure you'll do well, the work
you've done so far is fantastic
Feb 27 22:53:54 *	jsmith pats jmbuser on the back
Feb 27 22:54:07 <couf>	congrats jmbuser
Feb 27 22:54:31 <jmbuser>	Thanks - I really appreciate the confidence
you guys have in me - I hope to continue to live up to it
Feb 27 22:54:54 <jmbuser>	It's always a team effort
Feb 27 22:55:02 <EvilBob>	I have to bug out at this point, Mom is
getting annoyed
Feb 27 22:55:10 <jsmith>	Thanks EvilBob
Feb 27 22:55:26 <jmbuser>	EvilBob: see you later, thanks
Feb 27 22:57:29 <jmbuser>	Referring back to the agenda,  any more
thoughts on Publican?
Feb 27 22:57:55 <jsmith>	I'm still happy to show people how to get
started, but I'm still just scratching the surface
Feb 27 22:58:05 <jsmith>	I've done three or four different docs in it now
Feb 27 22:58:16 <jsmith>	and even figured out how to get PDFs out of it (mostly)
Feb 27 22:58:24 <glezos>	jmbuser: good job
Feb 27 22:59:22 <jmbuser>	glezos: thanks
Feb 27 22:59:35 <jmbuser>	jsmith: I saw you were quoted in the Red Hat
Magazine article...
Feb 27 23:00:32 <jsmith>	jmbuser: Yeah... stickster has been dropping
my name again, like I'm some sort of rock star
Feb 27 23:00:37 *	jsmith isn't all that and a bag of chips
Feb 27 23:01:00 *	dwmw2_gone is now known as dwmw2_BOS
Feb 27 23:02:02 *	buggbot has quit (Broken pipe)
Feb 27 23:02:13 *	buggbot (n=supybot@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined
Feb 27 23:02:19 <jmbuser>	glezos: How about Publican - Does it fit in
well with Transiifex?
Feb 27 23:03:00 <jmbuser>	s / Transiifex / Transifex /
Feb 27 23:03:02 *	schlobinux_
(n=xavierb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has left
Feb 27 23:04:56 <jmbuser>	If nothing else, any other business before we close?
Feb 27 23:05:26 <couf>	not from me
Feb 27 23:06:14 <jmbuser>	OK, the countdown begins...
Feb 27 23:06:18 <jmbuser>	10
Feb 27 23:06:39 <jmbuser>	9
Feb 27 23:06:41 <jmbuser>	8
Feb 27 23:06:46 <jmbuser>	7
Feb 27 23:06:51 <jmbuser>	6
Feb 27 23:06:57 <jmbuser>	5
Feb 27 23:07:01 <jmbuser>	4
Feb 27 23:07:05 <jmbuser>	III
Feb 27 23:07:08 <jmbuser>	II
Feb 27 23:07:33 <jmbuser>	I
Feb 27 23:07:47 <jsmith>	0
Feb 27 23:07:47 <jmbuser>	</meeting>

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