Re: good <ulink> practice & general markup policy status

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I'd recommend using the null content form of

	<ulink url=""/>

because it is more prone to correct usage.

I'm with you, Tommy.  It's also easier to parse the XML source visually
with this form while editing, not that this is a major concern.

Great! So we have consensus:

   The null content form shall be the recommended practice in the markup

Short-term Timeline:
I'll look over the threads on this list, Brad's post, & the existing guide over next few days and summarize the status on or by October 11th. If I don't identify any outstanding/undiscussed issues, Karsten & I will then proceed to draft a markup policy guide. If I identify any issues that have yet to be raised, I will certainly bring them to the table for discussion.

A cursory glance at the Fedora Docs Guide didn't yield any mention of conditionalization (tho I could've missed it). In my summary, then, I'll also make some suggestions for handling conditionalization (for different arches, say), via attribute-based profiling.

Have a weekend!


Mark Johnson                     <mjohnson@xxxxxxxxxx>
Engineering Content Services
Red Hat, Inc.                    <>
Tel: 919.754.4151                Fax: 919.754.3708
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