Hi All,
I'll re-post here the proposed timeline/outline for the DocBook/Emacs/psgml Quickstart Guide that I put into bugzilla.
Thanks to Tammy's helpful poking:), I've now proposed a timeline for the DocBook/Emacs/psgml Quickstart Guide. It's recorded in bugzilla:
But, to get the ideas into y'all's brains asap, I'll post my bugzilla entry here:
-------===========================------- > From Tammy Fox <tfax.redhat.com>: > Mark, can you provide an outline of this or a time frame?
Since I'm doing RedHat work this weekend, I'll do some fedora doc work next week.
How about I supply a draft outline (or doc) by Tuesday 8/30, collect bugs/feedback, and supply a pseudo-complete outline by Friday, 9/03.
Then, provide a relatively complete document draft by Wednesday, 9/08, for everyone to critique.
From there, I would say, give me another week to submit a revised
document based on feedback, though I may be able to produce this
version sooner. In other words, I submit a usable/postable version by Wednesday, 9/15.
I then go on vacation from 9/18 - 9/25.
Sound reasonable? (I'm working on it as I type this, FWIW.)
You can also read the bugzilla report yourself:
To stick to this timeline, I'll need some quick turn-around editorial feedback. Hope we can get this out the door on schedule...
Cheers, Mark -- ---------------------------------------------------------- Mark Johnson <mjohnson@xxxxxxxxxx> OS Product Documentation Group Engineering, Red Hat, Inc. <http://www.redhat.com> Tel: 919.754.4151 Fax: 919.754.3708 GPG fp: DBEA FA3C C46A 70B5 F120 568B 89D5 4F61 C07D E242