On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 12:46, redwire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > FC1 and FC2 have been in production since APRIL, it seems important to ME > at least that there be some sort of documentation made avail. Also, I > think that releasing some documentation would help alleviate some of the > errant posting of questions to the fedora-docs mailing list. > > The other alt. is to consider a FC docs based website, on my server, and > ask for any interested doc mailing list participants to send their docs to > me and I'll post them. I was thinking, kind offer etc, until I read Karstens mail, which I believe to be from within Redhat. Simple proposal, +1 to redwire's offer. If we need an editing process, I'll defer to Pauls experience, I can do no better than iso 9000. Proposal. Paul as edit loop: comments back to this forum. Corrected docs move from rh CVS to redwire's site, CVS in docbook format, posted in HTML (bandwidth permitting). If RH are saying they don't care about documentation, lets put the work in somewhere else? At least until RH realise its important. -- Regards DaveP. XSLT&Docbook FAQ http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl