I'm interested in writing some documentation for Fedora. I'm not a professional technical writer, but I have written some employee manuals for the technical support at my university. I have also spent a considerable amount of time helping Linux users on IRC, which has lead me to write some guides in the past.
At the present, there isn't a particular topic I would like to cover. I would simply like to help the project in some way. My time is too limited while I'm in graduate school to undertake any serious coding or bug fixing, but I want to contribute to the project and do what is needed.
I've not used many of the tools listed on the project page, as most of my writing is done in LaTeX for my work. I can, however, learn quickly and am willing to do so.
Please reply directly to me or include my address as a Cc, as I haven't subscribed to the fedora-docs-list yet.
Brent W.