Re: [389-users] memberOf task problem into a crontab ?

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Hello everybody and thanks for all the help.

For the record, we have Centos Directory Server 8.1.0.

I've enabled memberof using the three steps listed below.

If it's of any help (for step #2):

./ldapmodify -P "$DIR/scripts/cert8.db" -c -h ${DEST_HOST} -p ${DEST_PORT} -D "${DEST_BIND}" -w $DESTDN_PASSWORD <<EOF
dn: uid=${TGI},ou=People,${DEST_SUFFIX}
changetype: modify
add: objectClass
objectClass: inetuser

I made the following change to
# Following line changed by david.donnan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# open(FOO, "| ldapmodify $vstr -h {{SERVER-NAME}} -p {{SERVER-PORT}} -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$passwd\" -a" );
  open(FOO, "| ldapmodify $vstr -h localhost -p {{SERVER-PORT}} -D \"$rootdn\" -w \"$passwd\" -a" );
I've performed a test whereby I've just deleted someone and then added them again with additional groups. LDAP however did not update.
It updated, however, when I ran

Question 1: Have I understood that I should put into a crontab. Are there performance concerns ?

Thanks again, Dave

Nathan Kinder wrote
John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Very interesting.  The shipping dse.ldif which the instructions say to
use as a template to edit the 8.0 dse.ldif has memberofgroupattr: member

dn: cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: MemberOf Plugin
nsslapd-pluginpath: libmemberof-plugin
nsslapd-plugininitfunc: memberof_postop_init
nsslapd-plugintype: postoperation
nsslapd-pluginenabled: off
nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database
memberOfGroupAttr: member
memberOfAttr: memberOf

When I changed it to uniqueMember, it worked!

So it looks like there are several issues/errors/bugs in the
instructions and procedures for upgrading from 8.0 to 8.1

     1. The memberOf plugin is enabled by default and needs to be
        manually enabled (not really a bug but it is mentioned nowhere
        in the docs that I saw)
     2. One must manually add the inetuser to each object with which one
        wishes to use the plugin.  This does not appear to be a default
        objectClass for user creation - at least in 8.0
It all depends on how you provision your users, and what attributes you are using (they don't have to be "member" and
"memberOf").  It is up to the administrator to use the proper objectclass that allows the attribute defined as the "memberOfAttr"
config value in the member entries.
     3. One must change the default memberofgroupattr from member to
This is going to depend on the attribute you use to define grouping.  Some use the "groupOfNames" objectclass for a group
entry, which uses the "member" attribute to define members.  It appears that you are using "groupOfUniqueNames", which
uses "uniqueMember".  The memberOf plug-in allows you to use whatever attributes you want for both the grouping attribute
as well as the membership attribute.  In fact, the plug-in could be used for things completely unrelated to membership.
     4. The script is not generated from the template.
Yes, this appears to be a bug related to in-place upgrades.  Please file a bug on this.
Thanks very much for your help - John

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 09:38 +0200, Andrey Ivanov wrote:
If it still doesn't work, it's a matter of the plug-in configuration
and presence. Verify your dse.ldif. You shoud have something like

dn: cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin
objectClass: extensibleObject
cn: MemberOf Plugin
nsslapd-pluginPath: libmemberof-plugin
nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: memberof_postop_init
nsslapd-pluginType: postoperation
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
nsslapd-plugin-depends-on-type: database
memberofgroupattr: uniqueMember
memberofattr: memberOf
nsslapd-pluginId: memberof
nsslapd-pluginVersion: 1.2.0
nsslapd-pluginVendor: Fedora Project
nsslapd-pluginDescription: memberof plugin

The importnant parameters are :
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
memberofgroupattr: uniqueMember
memberofattr: memberOf

Other than that you may have the plug-in binaries missing...

2009/5/25 John A. Sullivan III <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        Hmm . . . this made perfect sense and I thought it would be
        the end of
        my problems for sure.  However, I added inetUser, ran
        and still see no memberOf populated attribute even if I ask
        for it
                [root@ldap01 ~]# /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        "ou=Desks,o=a100,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz" -D
        "cn=Directory Manager" -w - -h ldap01 uid=jasiii
        Enter bind password:
        version: 1
                objectClass: top
        objectClass: person
        objectClass: organizationalPerson
        objectClass: inetOrgPerson
        objectClass: posixAccount
        objectClass: account
        objectClass: posixgroup
        objectClass: shadowaccount
                objectClass: inetuser
        physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Kennebunk
        telephoneNumber: +1 (207) xxx-xxxx
        mail: jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxx
        sn: Sullivan III
        givenName: John A.
        loginShell: /bin/bash
        homeDirectory: /home/jasiii
        gidNumber: 100001
        uidNumber: 100001
        cn: jasiii
        uid: jasiii
        userPassword: {SSHA}p5K8zhxQYqkjCXmu617H2DtnDKDgnom3qTgQAg==
        shadowLastChange: 14366
        l: Kennebunk
        postalCode: 04043-XXXX
        postOfficeBox: PO Box XXX
        st: ME
        [root@ldap01 ~]# /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        "ou=Desks,o=a100,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz" -D
        "cn=Directory Manager" -w - -h ldap01 uid=jasiii memberOf
        Enter bind password:
        version: 1
                        I then explicitly added the memberOf attribute to a user,
        created a
        bogus group and added the user to the group.  Still no
        memberOf.  What
        am I doing wrong? Thanks - John
                                On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 22:59 +0200, Andrey Ivanov wrote:
        > 2009/5/22 John A. Sullivan III
        >         Ah, I did not do that as I thought the filter would
        make the
        >         change to
        >         users with objectClass inetOrgPerson.
        > No. The filter just searches what you have in your directory
        >          I am virtually certain the users
        >         do not explicitly have inetUser as an object class.
         Are they
        >         supposed
        >         to?
        > Yes. The set of the attributes that your entry can hold is
        defined by
        > the classes listed in "objectClass". And the attribute
        memberOf is
        > part of the "inetUser" objectClass.
        >         Is this done by default or is the need to add this
        >         class to
        >         all users in order to use memberOf missing from the
        >         documentation (or
        >         overlooked by me!).
        > No. It is not done by default, you need to add the
        > inetUser" (or any other objectClass containing the memberOf
        > to each user entry. You can make a small perl script that
        does for all
        > your users something like
        > -------------
        > dn:
        > changetype: add
        > objectclass: inetUser
        > -------------
        > You can test it with the GUI of the console for one or two
        > entries just to be sure the attribute memberOf works as you
        >         objectClass: top
        >         objectClass: person
        >         objectClass: organizationalPerson
        >         objectClass: inetOrgPerson
        >         objectClass: posixAccount
        >         objectClass: account
        >         objectClass: posixgroup
        >         objectClass: shadowaccount
        > The origin of your problem is the absence of "objectClass:
        > necessary to add memberOf attribute to the entry...
        >         Thanks - John
        >         On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 08:31 +0200, Andrey Ivanov
        >         > Can you show me the result of
        >         > /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        >         > "ou=Desks,o=a100,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz"
        >         "cn=Directory
        >         > Manager" -w - -h ldap uid=jasiii objectClass
        >         >
        >         > It will list all the objectClasses of your entry.
        >         "objectClass:
        >         > inetUser" is not present in the result of this
        search you
        >         should, as i
        >         > said in the previous message, add this objectClass
        to all
        >         the entries
        >         > you're going to manage with memberOf plug-in, smth
        >         >
        >         > dn:
        >         > changetype: add
        >         > objectclass: inetUser
        >         >
        >         >
        >         > Hope it helps .
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >
        >         > 2009/5/22 John A. Sullivan III
        >         <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        >         >         I'm starting to feel really stupid here -
        still not
        >         working.
        >         >
        >         >         I thought the filter must be the problem
        for sure.
        >          I assumed
        >         >         from the
        >         >         documentation that no filter meant the
        task would
        >         add the
        >         >         attribute for
        >         >         everything that could take a memberOf
        attribute.  I
        >         did not
        >         >         realize it
        >         >         defaulted to inetuser.  So I recreated the
        task with
        >         a filter
        >         >         of
        >         >         (objectClass=inetOrgPerson) but it still
        did not
        >         seem to work.
        >         >
        >         >         I thought perhaps I was doing ldapmodify
        >         (enter the
        >         >         parameters,
        >         >         double enter, then CTL D) so I edited the
        >         >         script
        >         >         according to Rich's instructions.  It ran
        >         error (by
        >         >         the way, it
        >         >         reflects the admin password when using -w
        - !!!).
        >          But still
        >         >         no success.
        >         >
        >         >         Perhaps I am checking incorrectly.  I did
        not expect
        >         to see
        >         >         memberOf
        >         >         listed as an attribute in the advanced
        >         screen for the
        >         >         user since
        >         >         it is a managed attribute.  But I did try
        to view it
        >         with an
        >         >         ldapsearch:
        >         > It should be visible as an attribute you can add
        >         your entry
        >         > has "objectClass: inetUser")
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >         /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        >         >
        >         >
        >         -D
        >         >         "cn=Directory
        >         >         Manager" -w - -h ldap uid=jasiii memberOf
        >         >
        >         >         Is this how I would check for success?
        >         >
        >         >         There is nothing suspicious in the error
        log.  I do
        >         have the
        >         >         audit log
        >         >         enabled.  I see the creation and automatic
        >         of the
        >         >         task but I do
        >         >         not see any changes to objects to add and
        >         the
        >         >         memberOf
        >         >         attribute.  I'll paste in some excerpts
        >         >
        >         >         What next? Thanks - John
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090520221132
        >         >         dn: cn=fixMemberOf,cn=memberof
        >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         changetype: add
        >         >
        >         >         objectClass: top
        >         >         objectClass: extensibleObject
        >         >         cn: fixMemberOf
        >         >         basedn: o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz
        >         >
        >         >         creatorsName: cn=xxxx
        >         >         modifiersName: cn=xxx
        >         >         createTimestamp: 20090521021132Z
        >         >         modifyTimestamp: 20090521021132Z
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090520221333
        >         >         dn: cn=fixmemberof,cn=memberof
        >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         changetype: delete
        >         >         modifiersname:
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090520222242
        >         >         dn: cn=fixMemberOf,cn=memberof
        >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         changetype: add
        >         >
        >         >         objectClass: top
        >         >         objectClass: extensibleObject
        >         >         cn: fixMemberOf
        >         >         basedn:
        >         ou=Desks,o=a100,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz
        >         >         creatorsName: cn=xxxx
        >         >         modifiersName: cn=xxxx
        >         >         createTimestamp: 20090521022242Z
        >         >         modifyTimestamp: 20090521022242Z
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090520222442
        >         >         dn: cn=fixmemberof,cn=memberof
        >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         changetype: delete
        >         >         modifiersname:
        >         >
        >         >         .
        >         >         .
        >         >         .
        >         >         time: 20090521183523
        >         >         dn: cn=memberOf_fixup_2009_5_21_18_35_23,
        >         cn=memberOf task,
        >         >         cn=tasks,
        >         >         cn=config
        >         >         changetype: add
        >         >         objectClass: top
        >         >         objectClass: extensibleObject
        >         >         cn: memberOf_fixup_2009_5_21_18_35_23
        >         >         basedn: o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz
        >         >
        >         >         filter: (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
        >         >         creatorsName: cn=xxxx
        >         >         modifiersName: cn=xxxx
        >         >         createTimestamp: 20090521223523Z
        >         >         modifyTimestamp: 20090521223523Z
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090521183724
        >         >         dn:
        >         >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >
        >         >         changetype: delete
        >         >         modifiersname:
        >         >
        >         >         time: 20090521185804
        >         >         dn:
        >         >
        >         >         changetype: modify
        >         >         replace: nsPreference
        >         >         nsPreference::
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >         -
        >         >         replace: modifiersname
        >         >         modifiersname: cn=xxxxx
        >         >         -
        >         >         replace: modifytimestamp
        >         >         modifytimestamp: 20090521225804Z
        >         >         -
        >         >
        >         >
        >         >         On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 15:59 +0200, Andrey
        >         wrote:
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         > 2009/5/21 John A. Sullivan III
        >         >         <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        >         >         >         Thank you, Andrey.  I did do an
        >         and then
        >         >         locate - no
        >         >         > - just
        >         > :-(
        >         >         > It is very strange. Normally during the
        >         installation
        >         >         the
        >         >         > template should be converted to the
        "normal" perl
        >         script.
        >         >         >
        >         >         > Have you verified the configuration of
        >         memberOf plugin,
        >         >         especially
        >         >         > the arguments/attributes
        "memberofgroupattr" and
        >         >         "memberofattr" ?
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >         Unless I'm missing something,
        >         ldapmodify
        >         >         looks just
        >         >         >         like mine
        >         >         >         except for the cn (I believe the
        >         documentation says
        >         >         it can be
        >         >         >         called
        >         >         >         anything) and I did not use a
        >         (again, I
        >         >         believe the
        >         >         >         documentation
        >         >         >         says it is optional and our dit
        is still
        >         rather
        >         >         small).
        >         >         > If you do not put the filter into the
        ldif then
        >         the default
        >         >         filter is
        >         >         > used : "(objectClass=inetuser)". Do all
        your user
        >         entries
        >         >         include this
        >         >         > objectClass (inetuser)? If not, you
        should add
        >         this
        >         >         objectClass to all
        >         >         > the entries where you want the memberOf
        >         to appear.
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >         I did create a new group and add
        myself to
        >         it as you
        >         >         suggested
        >         >         >         (thank
        >         >         >         you).  Surprisingly, it did not
        appear to
        >         work.  I
        >         >         did not see
        >         >         >         a
        >         >         >         memberOf attribute populated for
        me.  I
        >         then thought
        >         >         I would
        >         >         >         see if I
        >         >         >         need to manually add that
        attribute to
        >         each user (I
        >         >         hope not!)
        >         >         >         and I did
        >         >         >         not see memberOf as an attribute
        I could
        >         add to my
        >         >         user
        >         >         >         object.
        >         >         >
        >         >         > No. You should not add it manually, the
        >         attribute
        >         >         is
        >         >         > maintained automatically based on the
        >         membership.
        >         >         >
        >         >         > Do you see any message in error log?
        There should
        >         be
        >         >         something about
        >         >         > the impossibility to write the memberof
        >         i think.
        >         >         > If you cannot add this attribute
        manually to your
        >         entry it
        >         >         means that
        >         >         > your entry does not containe
        >         inetuser". Add
        >         >         this
        >         >         > objectClass to all the entries that
        should be
        >         "managed" by
        >         >         the plug-in
        >         >         > to allow the attribute memberOf to be
        written to
        >         that
        >         >         entries.
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >         I have verified that the plugin
        is defined
        >         in
        >         >         dse.ldif and it
        >         >         >         is
        >         >         >         enabled.  I also see memberOf
        defined in
        >         >         20subscriber.ldif and
        >         >         >         did not
        >         >         >         see anything in the
        documentation about
        >         needing to
        >         >         extend the
        >         >         >         schema.
        >         >         > No, you don't need to extend the schema
        but you
        >         need to make
        >         >         sure that
        >         >         > your entries include the objectClass
        >         >         >
        >         >         > objectClasses:
        ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.130 NAME
        >         'inetUser'
        >         >         DESC
        >         >         > 'Auxiliary class which must be present
        in an entry
        >         for
        >         >         delivery of
        >         >         > subscriber services' SUP top AUXILIARY
        MAY ( uid $
        >         >         inetUserStatus $
        >         >         > inetUserHTTPURL $ userPassword $
        memberOf )
        >         X-ORIGIN
        >         >         'Netscape
        >         >         > subscriber interoperability' )
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >         So, at this point, I am still at
        a loss
        >         for what I
        >         >         did wrong.
        >         >         >          What do I
        >         >         >         check next? Thanks - John
        >         >         > Try to add the "objectClass: inetuser"
        to the
        >         entries
        >         >         concerned and
        >         >         > take a closer look to the "errors" log
        >         >         >
        >         >         > @+
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >         >         On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 12:59
        +0200, Andrey
        >         Ivanov
        >         >         wrote:
        >         >         >         > Hi,
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         > there are two things to be
        >         and/or taken
        >         >         into
        >         >         >         account:
        >         >         >         > * the pair of the attributes
        that is
        >         maintained
        >         >         (the
        >         >         >         arguments
        >         >         >         > "memberofgroupattr" and
        >         of the
        >         >         plug-in)
        >         >         >         > * presence of these two
        attributes in
        >         the classes
        >         >         of your
        >         >         >         users and
        >         >         >         > groups
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         > To find try
        >         >".
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         > To launch it manually  you
        need to add
        >         something
        >         >         like that
        >         >         >         to the
        >         >         >         > server (with ldapmodify) :
        >         >         >         > dn:
        >         cn=memberOf_fixup_2009_5_21_12_39_21,
        >         >         cn=memberOf task,
        >         >         >         cn=tasks,
        >         >         >         > cn=config
        >         >         >         > changetype: add
        >         >         >         > objectclass: top
        >         >         >         > objectclass: extensibleObject
        >         >         >         > cn:
        >         >         >         > basedn: dc=example,dc=com
        >         >         >         > filter:
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         > As for your account, you may
        >         yourself
        >         >         from a
        >         >         >         group to see
        >         >         >         > if it changes the memberof
        >         Verify the
        >         >         objectClass
        >         >         >         of your
        >         >         >         > entry and make sure the
        >         memberOf is an
        >         >         optional
        >         >         >         attribute of
        >         >         >         > at least one of these
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         > 2009/5/21 John A. Sullivan III
        >         >         >         <jsullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
        >         >         >         >         Hello, all.  We are in
        >         process of
        >         >         upgrading from
        >         >         >         8.0 to
        >         >         >         >         8.1.  We've
        >         >         >         >         hit a few glitches
        along the way
        >         but most
        >         >         has gone
        >         >         >         well.
        >         >         >         >          However, we
        >         >         >         >         wanted to implement
        the new
        >         memberOf
        >         >         functionality.
        >         >         >          We
        >         >         >         >         successfully
        >         >         >         >         added the plugin by
        >         dse.ldif and
        >         >         enabled it
        >         >         >         from the
        >         >         >         >         console.
        >         >         >         >         However, we've been
        >         in having
        >         >         existing
        >         >         >         group
        >         >         >         >         membership
        >         >         >         >         assigned to the
        >         attribute.
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         We first tried to run
        >         >         but the
        >         >         >         script does
        >         >         >         >         not exist.
        >         >         >         >         There is a
        > but
        >         >         this does
        >         >         >         not seem
        >         >         >         >         to have
        >         >         >         >         been built into a
        final script.
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         We then thought we
        would use the
        >         new task
        >         >         feature of
        >         >         >         the
        >         >         >         >         console.  We
        >         >         >         >         went to cn=memberof
        >         >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config and
        >         >         >         tried to
        >         >         >         >         create the task
        >         >         >         >         object.  There was no
        >         >         nsDirectoryServerTask
        >         >         >         objectclass.  We
        >         >         >         >         added an
        >         >         >         >         nstask but then found
        there was
        >         no basedn
        >         >         attribute
        >         >         >         we could
        >         >         >         >         add.  We
        >         >         >         >         then created an
        >         instead
        >         >         but still
        >         >         >         not basedn
        >         >         >         >         attribute.
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         Finally, we resorted
        >         ldapmodify (we
        >         >         hesitated
        >         >         >         just because
        >         >         >         >         we are not
        >         >         >         >         very familiar with the
        >         line
        >         >         tools).  First,
        >         >         >         we did:
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         dn:
        >         >         >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         >         >         changetype: add
        >         >         >         >         objectclass: top
        >         >         >         >         objectclass:
        >         >         >         >         cn: fixMemberOf
        >         >         >         >         basedn:
        >         o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         The Internal
        Organization has
        >         several
        >         >         organizations
        >         >         >         under it
        >         >         >         >         (for
        >         >         >         >         various clients) and
        then user
        >         >         organizational units
        >         >         >         under
        >         >         >         >         those
        >         >         >         >         organizations.
         Although it
        >         generated no
        >         >         errors, it
        >         >         >         did not
        >         >         >         >         seem to
        >         >         >         >         work.  Perhaps I just
        don't know
        >         how to
        >         >         test it.
        >         >         >          However, the
        >         >         >         >         following
        >         >         >         >         did not return an
        memberOf data:
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
          /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >
        "ou=Users,o=client1,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz" -D
        >         >         >         >         "cn=Directory
        >         >         >         >         Manager" -w - -h ldap
        >         memberOf
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
        >         Doing /usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -b
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >
        >         >
        "ou=Users,o=client1,o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz" -D
        >         >         >         >         "cn=Directory
        >         >         >         >         Manager" -w - -h ldap
        >         >         >         >         showed me plenty of
        >         but nothing
        >         >         for
        >         >         >         memberOf
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         I also tried creating
        the task
        >         with a
        >         >         basedn of
        >         >         >         >
        >         >
        >         >         >         in case it
        >         >         >         >         did not
        >         >         >         >         change objects lower
        in the
        >         tree.  Still
        >         >         no success.
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         Finally I tried:
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         dn:
        >         >         >         task,cn=tasks,cn=config
        >         >         >         >         changetype: add
        >         >         >         >         objectclass: top
        >         >         >         >         objectclass:
        >         nsDirectoryServerTask
        >         >         >         >         cn: fixMemberOf
        >         >         >         >         basedn:
        >         o=Internal,dc=ssiservices,dc=biz
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         adding new entry
        >         >         cn=fixMemberOf,cn=memberof
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         ldap_add: Object class
        >         >         >         >         ldap_add: additional
        >         unknown object
        >         >         class
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         And received the
        >         unknown object
        >         >         class
        >         >         >         error.
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >         What are we doing
        wrong? Are
        >         these
        >         >         documentation
        >         >         >         bugs? Are
        >         >         >         >         there
        >         >         >         >         application bugs or do
        we simply
        >         not know
        >         >         what we
        >         >         >         are doing
        >         >         >         >         with tasks
        >         >         >         >         and memberOf? How do
        we get the
        >         memberOf
        >         >         information
        >         >         >         into our
        >         >         >         >         existing
        >         >         >         >         user objects? Thanks -
        >         >         >         >
        >         >         >         >

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