Re: Remote console fails for access to Fedora-DS 1.1

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Wolf Siedler wrote:
now I see the info from your first message, it looks like a java problem to me even though it should work. What I did was used the java for rhel from the supplimental RHN channel and it always worked well.

I just tried it again through the Windows msi for the IDM console.

System is Windows 2000 and Sun-JRE 1.5.0_15.
The dos prompt shows the same Java error as quoted in my previous report.
There is a problem with the windows console .bat file - it does not find the correct version of java. To fix, simply edit the batch file - look for where it sets JAVA (it is commented out - rem means comment in batch file language) - uncomment this and set it to the correct path and file name of your java.exe.

Windows 2000 and Sun-JRE 1.6.0_06:
Same problem as before; when clicking on "Directory Server" in the console there is an error message about a missing fedora-ds-1.0.jar. Furthermore, when clicking on "Administration Server", even that one doesn't open anymore. Instead there is a similar popup windows complaining about a missing fedora-ds-1.1.jar.
It is supposed to download the correct jar file from the server.

I'm not sure where it is stored on Windows, but there will be a directory/folder called .fedora-idm-console in your HOME directory/folder (wherever that is) - remove that directory/folder and try again.

I'll try Java 6 on Linux tomorrow.

Has anybody running a standalone IDM console? If yes - on which OS/Java version?


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