Aleksander Adamowski wrote:
[03/Mar/2008:17:47:54 +0100] dse - The entry cn=schema in file
/etc/dirsrv/my_instance_name/schema/75phpgwcontact.ldif is invalid,
error code 21 (Invalid syntax) - attribute type phpgwContactOwner:
Unknown attribute syntax OID ""
BTW, here's the problematic schema LDIF fragment:
attributeTypes: (
NAME 'phpgwContactOwner'
EQUALITY numericStringMatch
SUBSTR numericStringSubstringsMatch
P.S. sorry for posting the same message three times, my sender
configuration was acting funny... I just subscribed to this list.
Best Regards,
Aleksander Adamowski
GG#: 274614
ICQ UIN: 19780575
Aleksander Adamowski
Administrator systemów korporacyjnych; Instruktor
Altkom Akademia S.A.
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kom. +48 601-318-080
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