first, sorry for my bad english :)
I installed two fedora-ds 1.0.4 on debian etch (compile in place by dsbuild
script) with multi master replication. these servers used by powerdns with ldap
backend and cups 1.2.7 ( both came out from officially debian archive)
configured for ldap browseing.
the problem is: when the cups use ldap browseing, the memory usage is begin
growing while the ns-slapd is run out of memory. the machine have 2gb memory
this enough about 6-7 days. the cups generate 50-60 read/mod request every 3
minutes, powerdns make 2-3 read request per second.
i'm new in fedora-ds, this is normal operation? almost every setting are
default, however which logs/conf settings you need for the problem determination?
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