So I have a problem, actually I have several problems however they are all based around one thing. Replication. I have a single master setup, I am trying to add a read only replica with ssl. I did some work on this a while back, however like most things that get left and returned to after some time has passed the mostly finished result has left me wanting to start over. I run the uninstall script, but that doesnt work. I re-install the rpm and rerun the setup script, however now I am stuck. In the console (gui java thing) under this host I have 2 instances of "Directory Server" and 2 instances of "Administration Server" the administration server's both appear "down" and on the wrong port (which I cannot change ?!). How do I remove the stuff from the console and start over ?
Also, I'll raise this issue again ... are there any good (quick, not 500 pages, and not 2 paragraphs of "you will see this") documentation sources out there on FDS/RDS ? The redhat docs are long and read horribly since most of the pages are just links to other pages, which are more links to other pages. I have not yet found a good guide on single master multi slave setups for FDS/RDS. If any such guide exists please let me know.
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