Pretty straightforward:
- run /opt/fedora-ds/startconsole and log in as myself
- go the the 'Users and Groups' tab
- search on my uid
- double-click my account entry
- enter a new password in the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' inputs
- click OK
When I do the exact same procedure while logged in as an administrator
only one userPassword value results.
Nathan Kinder wrote:
Chris Halstead wrote:
OK, It took me a while to get there (had to figure out what our
equivalent of 'cn=Directory Manager' was), but there are indeed two
entries for userPassword after I change the password logged in as
myself to the console.
How are you changing the password through the console? A second value
for userPassword is getting added instead of doing a replace of the
existing password for some reason.
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