On Fri, 23 Mar 2007, Richard Megginson wrote:
Ville Silventoinen wrote:
On Thu, 22 Mar 2007, Richard Megginson wrote:
Ville Silventoinen wrote:
I'm using Fedora DS 1.0.4. I've written an application that uses Fedora
DS and next I'm planning to write unit tests. I'm wondering if there is a
way to delete the whole userRoot database and create it again? I searched
the documentation and there seems to be a way to create the database from
command line, but no way to delete it, except from the GUI?
Just delete the entry (e.g. delete cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm
database,cn=plugins,cn=config). You will have to do some sort of
recursive deletion to remove all of the child entries. I think this is
what the GUI does - just check the access logs for the server after
deleting the database in the console.
Thank you Richard, that worked very well. I also delete the mapping tree
entry, which maps the suffix to the backend database:
dn: cn="dc=ebi,dc=ac,dc=uk",cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: nsMappingTree
nsslapd-state: backend
nsslapd-backend: userRoot
cn: dc=ebi,dc=ac,dc=uk
The GUI works slightly differently, it sets nsslapd-state to "disabled" and
removes the nsslapd-backend attribute.
If anyone has a need for a script that can delete and create a database, I
can send it to the list. I use Python with python-ldap package.
Thank you very much for a fast response!
If you just want to restore the database to it's initial state, you can just
do an import - ldif2db or ldif2db.pl - this will remove the previous contents
and create a new database. This might be sufficient for your purposes,
without having to delete the database and mapping tree entries. See
ldif2db.pl for how to invoke an import operation via ldap
This may be a stupid question but how do I get ldif2db.pl to remove the
previous contents so it can create the entries?
I tried like this:
./ldif2db.pl -v -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w mypassword -n userRoot -i /path/to/userRoot.ldif
but in the errors log it shows for every entry "WARNING: Skipping duplicate entry".
Thanks for the Python example!
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