To Ngan wrote:
Dan Oglesby wrote:
I have two seperate installations of FDS 1.0.1 that were successfully
configured to sync with two seperate AD controllers. They both
worked fine for about six months, and both have stopped synchronizing
information that should pass from the AD to FDS. Basically, if a
user changes his or her password through AD, nothing changes on FDS.
If the password is changed through FDS, it does get pushed up to the
AD controller.
Has anyone else seen this happen? There have been no changes made to
either the FDS or AD configurations since the initial installation
was completed. The AD servers are Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 on
seperate domains.
I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the PassSync software. Every
time that service is restarted, I see a connect via SSL in the logs
in FDS, but nothing after that.
Was the connect via SSL successful?
It appears to be:
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 fd=203 slot=203 SSL connection
from to
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 SSL 128-bit RC4
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=0 BIND dn="cn=directory
manager" method=128 version=2
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=directory manager"
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=1 UNBIND
[29/Nov/2006:09:42:29 -0600] conn=146041 op=1 fd=203 closed - U1
That's all I ever see in the access log for the slapd server from my AD
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