I don't think renaming o=NetscapeRoot is a good idea.
What is it you want to do?
If you just want to prevent people from browsing it, you're on the right
track with setting up some ACIs. If it can be browsed anonymously,
there's some ACI that's allowing this. Look for "allow (anyone)" ACIs
on o=NetscapeRoot.
Yann wrote:
Hi all,
I've, again, a curious question :-) ;
It's possible to rename o=NetscapeRoot ? to something else like o=MyRoot ?
And/or, it's possible to hide the entry o=NetscapeRoot from unpriviligied users
? I've ACL on it to deny read inside, but, the "o=NetscapeRoot" stay visible
when anonymous user browse with an LDAP browser for example.
Thanks !
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