Re: Reasons to preseve X on tty7

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Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Les Mikesell wrote:
I'd expect most people who install fedora themselves to have at least a couple of other OS's running concurrently. Has anyone done a poll about this recently?
Why would you expect that?
Because it is experimental and high maintenance to run.  I expect that 
people who choose it because it is 'new' will also be interested in 
several other new distos for comparison, and people who have work that 
needs to be done even if today's update crashes will have a more stable 
system around or they'll run under VMware.  Plus, much of the point of 
using unix-like systems is that they network well, so many users will 
probably be running client-server setups just on general principles - 
and they'll get tired of updating the server side at the rate needed to 
maintain fedora.
  Les Mikesell

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