Re: compat-python, Zope...

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James Antill wrote:
On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 10:01 +0200, Oliver Falk wrote:

In my opinion, instead, packagers should be co-maintaining the main
version when they do a compat package, and that's all.
It's python, it's the holy (Fedora/Red Hat) grail. I think only people on the Red Hat payroll are allowed to commit to python CVS, isn't it? :-P Sorry, no offense!
 I've given python co-maintainer ship to the only non-RH person who has
asked for it. On the other hand, if you seemed sane and I gave it to
you ... and then you broke python so that Zope could work, I'm not
likely to be impressed :).
All true. Again, that was no offence.

I think the main version packagers should allowed to have commit access to the compat packages instead. In case compat packager breaks main version, the main version packager can fix it...
 That implies we don't mind it being broken for a while ... given how
important python is we _really_ don't like it breaking in a non-trivial
way (or eg. yum doesn't work, and you can't update out of your problem)
Of course we don't want to break things. But that's what testing and 
rawhide is good for!
 Also that's not how the breaks happen, it's not like you get file
conflicts etc. ... you get multiple dep. providers and there's no way to
fix that by changing the main python package.
I have not yet thought about the multi dep. providers. My fault. And as 
Hans already stated, it's an rpm fault, but we could work around it. We 
just need to discuss what is the best way to work around it and then 
*do* it. Instead of just saying that this is a problem.

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