Christoph � wrote:
Am Donnerstag, den 25.09.2008, 15:22 -0500 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
Christoph � wrote:
(What is the symbol in your name supposed to be, incidentally?
Thunderbird is rendering it as a ? in a diamond.)
You are the one talking about obfuscating sender ;)
...just the e-mail address :-).
No, its just an ö,
as in Höger, my name. This mail should be encoded in utf-8 (hope that
doesn't break your backup ;) I cannot efford a lawyer),
Nah, unless you're a grossly-overpaid CEO, you wouldn't have enough
money ;-).
so I assume your decoding doesn't work well.
Apparently not :-(. I guess Thunderbird has problems with UTF8 in
subjects (or else it's a gmane limitation). Strange. Anyway, thanks for
enlightening me. (Oh, and, yes, the body is fine, it's just the message
list pane, and when I go to reply.)
If someone could clear this up, it would help.
I was only talking about the daemon started at bootup what is not
usefull IMO.
If local mail still works (does it?), why are we having this
conversation? :-) (Read: why did it take so long to get this cleared up,
and how did the original statement that "cron won't work any more" get
made in the first place?)
Please do not quote my e-mail address unobfuscated in message bodies.
"You know what Microsoft's problem really is? They've lost the ability
to feel ashamed." -- Pamela Jones (Groklaw)
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