On 21.09.2008 19:05, Tim Lauridsen wrote:
Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 21.09.2008 14:25, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
On 20.09.2008 22:00, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Rahul Sundaram <sundaram <at> fedoraproject.org> writes:
PackageKit does use it via the yum backend.
One more reason for us then to make sure everything a user might want
to select is in comps.xml, isn't it?
Note that this is only from 0.3.3 on.
/me looks at rawhide and finds 0.3.2
/me grabs 0.3.3 straight from koji
/me fails to get it to work on F9 (likely my fault) :-/
Updating yum as well did the trick.
Hmm. From the screenshot it's hard to see if gpk-application exports
the package groups from comps.xml similar to how pirut/anaconda do.
But seems to be different, which would be a important detail for the
decision how to maintain the comps.xml in Fedora...
Seems to be way different. In pirut/anaconda you in F9 for example can
select the group "GNOME Desktop Environment"; then you can hit the
"details" button and select some more packages from the gnome group or
deselect some other you don't want. Seems that's not possible in
gpk-application right now. Not sure if it should, but that's quite and
important detail when if comes to the "how to maintain comps.xml
properly" question.
The groups in comps.xml is used as meta-packages, there can be installed
and removed. just like yum groupinstall/groupremove.
Yeah, but that will only install (or remove?) packages that are
'<packagereq type="default">' in the comps file, correct?
Ex. you can install KDE by installing the kde-desktop meta-package.
All the meta-packages (comps groups) are located under collections.
The categories is not used in pk-application.
IOW: adding packages to a group in comps.xml as '<packagereq
type="optional">' is only worth the trouble if you want to make the
package selectable in anaconda, as that information is not used by
pk-application. Correct?
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