On 20.09.2008 22:00, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Rahul Sundaram <sundaram <at> fedoraproject.org> writes:
PackageKit does use it via the yum backend.
One more reason for us then to make sure everything a user might want to
select is in comps.xml, isn't it?
Note that this is only from 0.3.3 on.
/me looks at rawhide and finds 0.3.2
/me grabs 0.3.3 straight from koji
/me fails to get it to work on F9 (likely my faul) :-/
Hmm. From the screenshot it's hard to see if gpk-application exports the
package groups from comps.xml similar to how pirut/anaconda do. But
seems to be different, which would be a important detail for the
decision how to maintain the comps.xml in Fedora...
> [...]
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