Re: Boot speedup with readahead

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On my system:

Without readahead: 1 minute and 30 seconds
With readahead: 1 minute and 30 seconds

Time was until gnome applet showed up, so on my system readahead did not improve boot speed at all.
Note that there is a bug that prevents readahead-collector from  
starting if you have selinux disabled, since the /.autorelabel file is  
still hanging around during reboots, I had to remove this file for  
collector to work.
1) The rhgb removal is a big step forwards, rhgb slows down things a lot.
2) One major thing to look at I think is the initrd and udev, these take really a lot of time 3) Get rid of that sysinit stuff and start using upstart jobs, I still have not seen any progress on this.
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