Lyos Gemini Norezel wrote:
Alain PORTAL wrote:
En fait, quand je me relis, je me rend compte que finalement je ne
donne pas vraiment les raisons... Sans doute ai-je trop donné
d'explications ailleurs.
Eh Trashy, Zig Heil !
No regards for ass holes
[1] You can read french?
I'm sorry, but don't forget french is the diplomacy language.
Ok... I cannot read French... but from what google's translator is
able to decipher... it looks to me like you are the one being
You say here: "Je te trouve particulièrement glonflé de venir oser me
proposer ton aide alors que tu m'as banni à la fois d'IRC [1] et des
forums fedora-fr..."
that you were banned from IRC and fedora-fr... well, if you were
indeed banned, there must have been some reason for it.
I won't delve into that here... though I'm sure someone will enlighten
The point is... things take time... and with everything going on with
Fedora Infrastructure in the last month... you should expect it to
take longer.
Chill out...
remember, it's only code.
Lyos Gemini Norezel
As a followup to my above post...
regardless of how you feel about Johan Cwiklinski... you should not
ignore his advice.
If you'd been watching the mailing list... you'd know that Fedora
Infrastructure was compromised last month... because of that...
package keys were changed... and ssh keys were reset. You must re-add
your ssh key... though you should note that DSA keys are no
longer allowed... you must use an RSA key.
Just thought you should know.
Lyos Gemini Norezel
fedora-devel-list mailing list