Warren Togami wrote:
Here is an opportunity for someone to test a failure that happened to
me. Upstream requested more information about this and a good write-up
for reproducing, but I cannot prioritize working on this now. (Working
on getting Fedora Updates flowing...)
If this is a real issue, upstream should know about it quickly. This
2.5.1 plus additional fixes is likely to become the next version in RHEL-5.
* Install pidgin-2.5.1 on F-9.
I installed the 386 build from there.
* Run pidgin with the -d option to get debugging output on the terminal.
Did that
* Have someone else that you haven't talked to yet add you on Yahoo IM.
I asked Manuel/wolfy (see the other mail in the thread) and he added me.
Do you see the authorization confirmation request in your Buddy List?
Yes, I saw it and accepted.
When you have both added each other, do you immediately see each other
I saw him after about one second.
Or do you need to restart pidgin to see each other?
No need for that.
* Is this reproducible by removing each other from respective Buddy
Lists and repeating the procedure?
We deleted each other and I added him first, it worked fine.
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