Re: Proposal: Improving SELinux <--> user interaction on Fedora - Kerneloops for SELinux

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Ahmed Kamal wrote:
another idea, is when a denial occurs, and we get this nice balloon,
it would contain 2 buttons
- AutoFix: automatically attempts changing the offending file's
context, as per the recommended action
- Exempt: changes the policy such that the offended application runs
in an unrestricted selinux domain.
Whilst this can definitely be an option, I would be very, very, wary 
about putting it on the first screen the user sees, else they will get 
into the habit of clicking it. Could it be possible, perhaps, to use 
permissive domains (or whatever they are called) from the .26 kernel 
inside of s-c-selinux or s-c-services to fulfill this role?
IMHO, the policies will never be perfect. Mortals can't really "fix"
the policy coz it's too complex. The Exempt is what the end users
need, or they turn off the whole thing

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Robin Norwood <rnorwood@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 14:19:07 -0500
"Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
John Dennis designed setroubleshoot to be able to send its messages
to an upstream collector, it seems to me that adding a button to
report the message upstream would be easy.  The problem is where is
the upstream infrastructure to handle all the messages.

dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxxx  Is probably not a good place.
I would think not. Does the infrastructure team have any web service
or sorts that can accept these log messages?
Probably not, but it sounds like a fairly easy turbogears project.  The
data is in XML?  Is the format defined anywhere?  The app would need to
process the XML to check for duplicates, and display the results.  If
the format is well-defined and we can say "If fields x, y, and z are
the same, then this is a duplicate report", then it should be nearly


Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
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Benjamin Lewis
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