Jesse Keating wrote:
On Sat, 2008-07-12 at 01:35 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
I don't think spins should require Fedora Board approval every release.
It should be a one time thing. Technical review can be done by the spin
That's correct, those two are a one-time shot, though subject to
re-review. Neither of those are part of the Feature process.
I was somewhat confused by the original announcement mentioning board
FESCo may have at one time, however it was ill advised. Releng and the
SPINS sig want them to be features, and I'll use my powers in FESCo now
and the board as well if necessary to push that agenda.
I actually disagree with FESCo and agree with you as a spin SIG member
but if FESCo makes a decision, it should be the same group reversing it
instead of any of us arbitrarily deciding otherwise. There is no point
in FESCo making such decisions otherwise.
Desktop and KDE are not "spins" because they are produced and qa'd as
part of the rest of the distribution like the Fedora spin.
This seems to be a redefinition of a spin since KDE clearly was defined
as a spin when it was proposed initially. Is the differentiation between
a official and custom spin at
still valid?
Features help us determine what is expected to work for a release, which
drives many things like QA plans, schedules, marketing, etc... Knowing
what spins to expect is very very important. There isn't always going
to be somebody to pick up the slack if a spin owner moves on, we don't
want to be creating these things in perpetuity if the owner isn't
around, testing it, fixing it, etc...
Agreed but it seems creating and maintaining spins have become more
complicated over a period of time despite the composing tools being very
easy and gaining functionality over time. One has to go through multiple
groups involved including spin sig, FESCo and Fedora Board. It's been
quite sometime since Fedora 9 got released and the spins are still going
to be composed excluding all the many updates including critical
security issues. The ks files I had originally tested and verified seems
different from what is in the spin sig repo now. Probably because I
don't understand git very well. We have been discussing the process
forever and spin maintainers still don't have access to compose the
spins. I think we need improvements in the current process for this to
work at all for the sake of both the spin maintainers and others
involved currently.
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