Re: Small RFEs for Fedora Accounts System

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Jonathan Underwood wrote:

I just had the client side certificate expire. On a CVS operation I
recieved the error message:

ERROR: Your Fedora client-side certificate expired.
       You need to download a new client-side certificate

RFE#1: Please fix the URL, which should be

This is a cvs common change. Fixed. People will have to update their common directories in order to see the change. For most packagers this means:
$ cd /my/packagingarea/PACKAGENAME
$ cvs up
cvs update: Updating F-9
cvs update: Updating common
P common/Makefile.common
P common/branches
cvs update: Updating devel

On logging in I helpfully see:

Todo queue:
Download a client-side certificate  i

Clicking on the "i" I see:

"The client side cert is generally used to grant access to upload
packages to Fedora or for other authentication purposes like with
koji. If you are not a package maintainer there is no need to worry
about the client side cert"

RFE#2: It would be really helpful to add to the end of that info "This
certificate should be saved to ~/.fedora.cert"

Added.  This will go live when we push the next fas update.

RFE#3: Please could we add a FAS component to bugzilla? Or is there
some other component I should be filing these against?

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