Re: JahShaka

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Mike Cronenworth wrote:
-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re:JahShaka
From: Nicu Buculei <nicu_fedora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Development discussions related to Fedora <fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05/12/2008 02:26 AM
Casey Dahlin wrote:
I'd been hoping there was good video editing software for linux, and it looks like this may be it:

Before I go through the review process:

- Has anyone tried to package it? Why didn't you?
- Is there any obvious reason anyone knows of now that it could not be packaged?
At a first glance at their website is not clear to me: what 
video/audio codecs are they using?
Can the application be built with multimedia codecs we are legally 
allowed to include into Fedora? (that means OGG Theora/Vorbis but 
*not* libavcodec).
Jahsaka 0.2 (current stable) requires FFMPEG
Jahsaka 0.3 (early development) OpenLibraries. includes MPEG/WMA stuff.

All around looks bad. A video editor would have to use gstreamer to get into Fedora.

Why would it have to be GStreamer? Wouldn't anything un-patent-encumbered do? (Not that this isn't un-patent-encumbered, but in the general case).

fedora-devel-list mailing list

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