Re: F9 and critical Firefox bug 429903 (bmo)

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Dennis Jacobfeuerborn wrote:

This is a pretty high profile bug with a lot of activity at the moment and that has been marked as a blocker:
Mike Shaver: "I tried to convince myself that we would ship with this, 
but I don't think we can -- ABP and NoScript are too widely used, and 
the failure mode is too painful.  Marking blocking, with a heavy heart."
This should probably be tracked closely and any pending fix be 
incorporated into the F9 release if possible.
Is there a corresponding fedora bugzilla entry for it yet?  Maybe you could 
check and do that, pointing it to
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
 gpg 0x8300BF29 fingerprint 071D FFE0 4CBC 13FC 7DEB  5BD5 5F89 8E1B 8300 BF29

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