Hi Jerry, I just have comments because I know what some of the answers on this
has been in the past.
Jerry Williams wrote:
I would like to be able to have the mount point be / and the label to be
/f9. It would be nice to be able to set the label at install time.
Other wise I have to use / and then change it later in /etc/fstab and
The label for F9 is practically irrelevant since anaconda installs using UUID in
/etc/fstab now. The only problem you'd have is with other distros also
installed (or F8), so I can understand still wanting to set the label for the
present. I think it would have been good to have F9 install all formatted
partitions with labels that clearly showed f9, like *f9/*, *f9/home*, etc.
I would also like to be able to control the order of the partitions.
The primary option is nice, but I would like to say 1-15 or be able to drag
them where I want them to be.
On this one, the answer has been that partition ordering on disk is no longer a
very crucial thing to configure manually. Since it has less effect on
performance, not supporting that is one less block of code to go wrong in
anaconda. You can still run gparted or any other tool and do it manually before
the install.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx> www.lordmorgul.net
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