Lubomir Kundrak wrote:
Thank you two for supporting the biggest troll under the sun. Have you
spent a minute skimming through what nonsense did the file bugs for?
Have you ever notices what does he do to this list by looking a bit to
the history? Have you ever seen anything technically relevant from him?
A patch?
And -- are you also interested about list entry about each bug that
interests me? [1] with a mail about each update? No? Why?
On Mon, 2008-03-17 at 11:27 -0400, Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
Richard Hally wrote:
There are more people than the reporter and the "owners of respective
components" that have a interest in these kinds of things and we would
like to know that someone else has also seen the problem and done
something about it. Now we can follow or discuss the matter in an open
way rather than have the discussion buried in bugzilla.
The list is much easier to skim thru than bzs to see if there is
anything "brewing" in Fedora land.
Old Fart
Now you are trolling!
Criticizing other peoples posts to an open(not moderated) list other than to say
it is off topic is a waste of bandwidth. The original post was not off-topic but
yours was!
But to answer your troll, I learned something by reading the responses to the RFEs.
Your list looks like you need to find something you can do well and narrow your
focus to it.
fedora-devel-list mailing list