spec file changes: removing Release: and %changelog

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I've spent a little bit of time on the shuttle to/from work hacking on
Makefile.common.  The general idea is to remove the Release: and %
changelog fields from spec files, and have them generated automatically.
The goals are:

* Allow for automated (re-)builds without hackish scripts
* Avoid developer time being spent incrementing integers in spec file
* Obviate the need to keep two changelogs in sync
* Resolve clashes about what disttags should be by having them
  determined by the build system 
* Longer term, make it easier to transition to a better source format

For example, with this change we can go from the workflow of:

edit foo.spec
make clog
cvs commit -F clog
make tag build
# discover error
edit foo.spec
make force-tag build


edit foo.spec2
make build
# discover error
edit foo.spec2
make build

Much nicer!  And we're being generous with the first system - if you
want to do it without the unsafe force-tag it's even longer.  In the new
system, you only need to know two commands: "make local" to do a local
build, and "make build" for Koji.

The attached patch is a work in progress; you can patch your
Makefile.common, delete the Release: line from your spec file, and
rename your spec file to .spec2 (suggestions for a better name are

It works for "make local" which gives you a feel for how the system can
operate.  You can verify that after every 'make local' you get a new RPM
release, and thus you can install them sanely on your system without
using --force.  One tweak I'd like to implement for 'make local' is have
it use '.local' or something for a disttag.

What remains to be implemented is the Koji side of things.  The idea is
that "make build" will run 'cvs commit; make tag koji', and that Koji
will have a database of package Release tags, and increment them itself
for each new build.  It will generate the %changelog section from the
CVS changelog between the last tag and the new one.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: Makefile.common
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/common/Makefile.common,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -u -r1.87 Makefile.common
--- Makefile.common	15 Jan 2008 14:22:36 -0000	1.87
+++ Makefile.common	5 Mar 2008 17:53:31 -0000
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@
 COMMON_DIR := $(shell $(find-common-dir))
+# Determine spec input source; spec2 denotes a traditional RPM spec file, but without
+# a Release: or changelog
+SPEC2FILE := $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec2))
+ifneq ($(SPEC2FILE),)
+SPECFILE := $(SPEC2FILE:.spec2=.spec)
 # Branch and disttag definitions
 # These need to happen second.
@@ -34,7 +44,6 @@
 BUILD_FLAGS ?=  $(shell echo $(KOJI_FLAGS))
 ## a base directory where we'll put as much temporary working stuff as we can
 ifndef WORKDIR
 WORKDIR := $(shell pwd)
@@ -93,12 +102,41 @@
 ifndef NAME
 $(error "You can not run this Makefile without having NAME defined")
+define extract-var
+	rpm $(RPM_DEFINES) $(DIST_DEFINES) -q --qf "%{$(2)}\n" --specfile $(1)| head -1
 ifndef VERSION
-VERSION := $(shell rpm $(RPM_DEFINES) $(DIST_DEFINES) -q --qf "%{VERSION}\n" --specfile $(SPECFILE)| head -1)
+VERSION := $(shell $(extract-var $(SPECSRC) VERSION))
-# the release of the package
+#define get-changelog
+#  cvs log -S -b -N $(SPECSRC) | grep -v '^\?' | head -1000
+define get-release-serial
+$$(if test -f release-serial; then \
+    cat release-serial | tr -d '\n'; \
+   else \
+    echo 0; \
+   fi)
+define increment-release-serial
+ release=$$(($(get-release-serial)+1)); \
+ echo $${release} > release-serial.tmp && mv release-serial.tmp release-serial
+ifneq ($(SPEC2FILE),)
+# Now we generate the specfile with this simple transformation of
+# adding the Release: line at the top.
+# TODO: generate changelog in here too
+	release=$(get-release-serial); \
+	(echo -n "Release: " && echo $${release}$(DIST) && cat $(SPEC2FILE)) > $(SPECFILE).tmp && mv $(SPECFILE).tmp $(SPECFILE)
 ifndef RELEASE
-RELEASE := $(shell rpm $(RPM_DEFINES) $(DIST_DEFINES) -q --qf "%{RELEASE}\n" --specfile $(SPECFILE)| head -1)
+RELEASE := $(shell $(extract-var $(SPECSRC) RELEASE))
 # this is used in make patch, maybe make clean eventually.
 # would be nicer to autodetermine from the spec file...
@@ -309,14 +347,16 @@
 	mock $(MOCKARGS) -r $(MOCKCFG) --resultdir=$(MOCKDIR)/$(TAG) rebuild $(SRCRPMDIR)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).src.rpm
 # build for a particular arch
-$(ARCHES) : sources $(TARGETS)
+$(ARCHES) : $(SPECFILE) sources $(TARGETS)
 	$(RPM_WITH_DIRS) --target $@ -ba $(SPECFILE) 2>&1 | tee .build-$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE).log ; exit $${PIPESTATUS[0]}
 # empty target to force checking of md5sums in FULLSOURCEFILES
 # build whatever's appropriate for the local architecture
-local: $(if $(shell grep -i '^BuildArch:.*noarch' $(SPECFILE)), noarch, $(shell uname -m))
+local: Makefile $(MAKEFILE_COMMON)
+	$(increment-release-serial)
+	$(MAKE) $(if $(shell grep -i '^BuildArch:.*noarch' $(SPECSRC)), noarch, $(shell uname -m))
 # attempt to apply all the patches, optionally only for a particular arch
@@ -373,7 +413,7 @@
 ## use this to build an srpm locally
-srpm: sources $(TARGETS)
+srpm: sources $(SPECFILE) $(TARGETS)
 test-srpm: srpm
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