Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:16 AM, Dmitry Butskoy <buc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As far as I remember, "P2P is OK while it does not have any points to
the illegal content" (Tom "spot" Callaway (c) , isn't it? :) )
Besides the Torrent, Gnutella is already supported (gtk-gnutella,
gift-gnutella), and so on. Make sure that the rpm package does not
include any illegal stuff and has not any links to questionable and
legal-dangerous servers.
I thought this was settled as well. Is edonkey technology any
different then gnutella? Other than having a far less interesting
name. Aren't they both designed to do the same sort of distributed
network? If you can explain the difference between edonkey and
gnutella, then we'll have a much better idea of if edonkey crosses a
line that gnutella does not.
IMHO the p2p software was initially pushed into Livna for "paranoid"
reasons (i.e., "anything questionable" is better to place in Livna).
Later some p2p have been placed in Fedora Extras, since maintainers have
understood that the good license and patent-free allow it to be placed
in Fedora. Some people still not understand this, hence some p2p are
still in Livna.
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