Sean Bruno wrote:
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 14:11 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 10:36 -0800, Sean Bruno wrote:
I reported a crash to the idSoftware folks that appears to be a Fedora
x86_64 specific libGL crash.
You also haven't reported the Fedora version, kernel version, nvidia driver
version; they all matter ALOT for that crash.
Andrew Farris <lordmorgul@xxxxxxxxx>
gpg 0xC99B1DF3 fingerprint CDEC 6FAD BA27 40DF 707E A2E0 F0F6 E622 C99B 1DF3
No one now has, and no one will ever again get, the big picture. - Daniel Geer
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