Hi, With the holidays this week, we've decided to have the FESCo meeting today at 20:00 UTC #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.org. Sorry about the late notice! Planned schedule: /topic MISC - Minor changes to bugzilla https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2007-November/msg01161.html - poelcat /topic MISC - Deadline to drop kmods - f13 /topic MISC - PPC Secondary Arch? - https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-advisory-board/2007-November/msg00078.html - f13, dwmw2 /topic MISC - Drop orphans from F8< at some point during F9 - f13 /topic MISC - Using Matt Domsch's "doesn't rebuild" bugs as AWOL detection, mark as orphaned at some point in F9, drop in F9+ /topic MISC - Do more frequent conflicts testing, with bugs filed, and use AWOL detection /topic MISC - automate the mailings of multiarch conflicts, it is hard to test for people without biarch computers - from Patrice Dumas /topic FESCO-Meeting -- Plan to get Merge Reviews finished by F9 -- all /topic Status Update: Compat Policy http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JeremyKatz/DraftCompatPackages - jeremy /topic Status Update: FESCo Proposal Template - f13 /topic FESCo meeting -- Free discussion around Fedora You want something to be discussed? Send a note to the list in reply to this mail and I'll add it to the schedule (I can't promise we will get to it tomorrow, since we have a pretty full schedule). You can also propose topics in the meeting while it is in the "Free discussion around Fedora" phase. If your name/nick is on above list please update the status on the Extras schedule pages in the wiki ahead of the meeting. That way all the other FESCo members and interested contributors know what up ahead of the meeting. And we will avoid long delays in the meeting -- those often arise if someone describes the recent happenings on a topic directly in the meeting while all the others have to wait for his slow typing... Thanks, /B -- Brian Pepple <bpepple@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BrianPepple gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 810CC15E BD5E 6F9E 8688 E668 8F5B CBDE 326A E936 810C C15E
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