Josh Boyer wrote:
On Wed, 07 Nov 2007 19:38:41 +0100
Till Maas <opensource@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mi November 7 2007, Josh Boyer wrote:
Replacing a VCS for the fun of it is pretty pointless. Can you
elaborate on a workflow you would like to see that CVS is not suited
to? Right now, CVS works fine for what we do, which is mostly editing
spec files.
"cvs diff" makes afaik a network connection, which makes it very slow compared
to a modern vcs. Also tagging / commit takes very long imho, but maybe this
is because of all the hook scripts. Afaik, there is nothing than one can do
about it as a maintainer to speed this up.
You're going to come across that in any centralized type workflow.
Which, ultimately, is exactly what Fedora is.
...for tagging/commit.
diff can be done without a network connection every single time even
with centralized management.
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