Hans de Goede wrote:
Jesse Keating wrote:
On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:05:51 +0200
Hans de Goede <j.w.r.degoede@xxxxxx> wrote:
So all in all:
-calling it alpha / beta / release candidate instead of test# +1
-no freeze for alpha +1
-early branching (I would say a week for the RC) +1
-making builds in the release branch goto updates-testing after
branching -1 (esp combined with early branching)
Good, discussion!
Here is the problem, if the build is not deemed "good" by rel-eng to be
in the release after the release candidate where does it go?
Why does this deeming good have to be done by rel-eng? Thats creating
both a bottle-neck and a hoop to jump through.
Someone has to do it, who?
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