Richi Plana wrote:
On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 21:29 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le mercredi 05 septembre 2007 à 12:33 -0500, Les Mikesell a écrit :
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
I want to know the correct JAVA_HOME and PATH settings for all the
possible JVMs when they are installed as alternatives-conforming RPM
packages but are not the system default. Is this documented somewhere?
So, where do I find the answer to the question above regarding the
correct JAVA_HOME and PATH to use a JVM that is not the system default?
If the question is "what is the list of the roots of all the possible
VMs that may be released for Linux and packaged using jpp conventions"
Well, one method (and this isn't official AFAIK) is to run "alternatives
--config java" or "alternatives --config javac" and that should give you
a starting point for figuring out the list of JAVA_HOME paths for
packages installed that are blessed by JPackage (or was it Fedora? since
I'm not sure where alternatives support was introduced).
Another method of querying and selecting blessed JPackage alternatives is
system-switch-java. It simplifies selection because it switches all relevant
master links (java, javac, plugin) to the selected vendor/version
implementations. Try:
yum install system-switch-java
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