Re: Yum says package "ntp" is not available which is not true

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Tony Nelson wrote:
Yes, the checks passed.  (They don't check referential integrity, the data
relationships between tables.  They just check that each table is in proper

It's good to know the database is not hosed when RPM is being weird.  I've
seen it limp along for quite a while, getting weirder and weirder.
Yes, that's exactly why I posted about the problem on this mailinglist. 
Right now it only seems to be a minor annoyance but I fear that it might 
lead to bigger problems down the road. Given that other users have reported 
similar problems on this list with other packages in the last couple of 
days and that according to this problem 
doesn't seem to be confined to rawhide I think this looks like a bug in 
rpm. While I cannot say how serious this bug really is I tend to get a 
little nervous when it comes to creeping integrity problems of databases 
(rpm's or otherwise). Could this be a result of the latest rpm version 
update (which had a rather long changelog)?

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