The frenzy of people auditing their systems for timezone-change compliance has brought this to my attention. One deficiency of the syslog format is that it doesn't record the timezone (particularly annoying around the DST change). But to compound this, the datestamp recorded from local syslog calls is apparently based on whatever the calling client has their timezone set as. Thus, you can do: TZ="UTC+23:56" logger "Look! I'm logging from yesterday!" if you want. Apparently, there's a patch for this behavior in the perennially not released sysklogd 1.4.2 (what's up with that?). I think we should consider backporting this to Fedora. Comments? <> -- Matthew Miller mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx <> Boston University Linux ------> <> -- fedora-devel-list mailing list fedora-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx