How about a usage case: I have a desktop machine. It runs multihead, 1400x1050 on a 19in CRT and 1280x960 on a 17in CRT. That's 2680x1050. I have a laptop. It has a 1024x768 LCD. Sometimes I want to access my desktop's existing X session from the laptop. Problem: The vast difference in resolution. As well as the difference in font size. I use a font size that is comfortable on the desktop but looks huge on the laptop. Scrolling around a massive area staring at huge fonts is painful. Its like trying to use my desktop looking through a straw. Possible solution: randr the desktop machine down to 1024x768 and scale the font size down when connected. This can be awkwardly done manually through the gnome preferences panel through vino. The server side module does not understand randr at all. Score: vino 1, 0 Possible solution: Scale the whole screen down server side. Neither vino or support this. Score: vino 1, 0 Possible solution: Scale the whole screen down client side. vncviewer does not support this. No VNC client that I know of supports this on Linux. TightVNC and some others support this on Windows. Score: vncviewer 0, TightVNC on Windows 1, TightVNC on Linux 0 Possible solution: Implement a vnc server as a compositing manager, that internally re-composites all windows to a virtual 1024x768 screen, with window positions independent of the real desktop. Status: Just some crackrock idea I had. So, sounds like vino wins? Except: Vino's performance is complete and total ass. vino 0, 1 Vino spews an enormous amount of shit over the network, when nothing is even happening. What, I don't know and I don't care enough to find out because of the previous point. vino -1, 1 Vino isn't available when not logged in. vino -1, 2 Cursor modification doesn't seem to work in vino. vino -2, 2 In Vino, ctrl-click in Galeon to open a link in a new tab doesn't work for some reason. vino -3, 2 After being rock solid for many years, recently has started randomly crashing the X server when I connect to it. I initially assumed it was fglrx, but no, it happens with nv, nvidia, and radeon drivers as well. Final score: vino -3, 0 So, yeah. I guess I should file some bugs or something if no one else has already.
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