Alan Cox wrote:
Far simpler, cleaner and more friendly will be to dump the static libraries
into libfoo-devel-static packages which are not in the default install. That
ensures people who need to can do static links and the default behaviour is
that they are not there. The -static packages could even get dropped off the
CD easily enough once the mechanisms for handling one srpm spitting out
binary components for extras and core are sorted
BTW, such a "-static" subpackages might be handled the same way as
"-debuginfo". Consider some example of needed rpm macros (attached
below), written one year ago when similar topic was discussed at
fedore-extras-devel list.
Dmitry Butskoy
# Additional macros to build "-static" packages automagically.
# Just specify "%find_static" in the install section, and do not specify
# any of "*.a" files anywhere in the files sections.
%find_static \
find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.a" -exec file {} \\; | sed -n -e 's|^'%{buildroot}'\\(.*\\): current ar archive|\\1|p' >staticlibs.list \
%global __static_package 1 \
%static_package \
%ifnarch noarch\
%package static\
Summary: Static libraries for package %{name}-devel\
Group: Development/Libraries\
AutoReqProv: 0\
Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}\
%description static\
This package provides static libraries for package %{name}-devel.\
These libraries are useful when building a static executable\
(which can be run on another Linux distros or another versions of Fedora)\
or when for some reason shared libs dependencies should be avoided.\
%files static -f staticlibs.list\
# Inserting of static_package into working stuff. We very assume
# that "clean" section is AFTER "install". It is needed because of
# "__static_package" is defined by "find_static" macro, which is placed
# in the "install" section. If "clean" section will be before "install",
# the appropriate __static_package definition will be not in effect
# at the time of "clean" macro expansion...
# A little bit ugly, but no more ugly than similar "debug_package"
# inserting into the top of "install" section...
%clean %{?__static_package:%{static_package}}\
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